857 gallon aquarium


New member
i'm looking for some info on my new aquarium that i ordered.
it's 857 gallons (96x43x48) reef ready. its going into my wall,
my house will be ready in jan. i want fish only. 125 gallon sump
any coments that will help me, i do appreciate thanks
What kind of fish? What other equipment, i.e. skimmer(s), RO/DI and lighting? If you are new to salt do you live in or near a city that has an aquarium service company to help you learn what to do?
Re: 857 gallon aquarium


To Reef Central

large fish like angels and tangs maybe a puffer. still up in the air on what skimmer i should use and what lighting. thats why i'm
looking for some help from you experts. no i'm not new to the
hobby. just looking for comments from you fine people.

A few VHO will more than enough and VHO just because of the depth.


I personally would not spend more than $500 on a skimmer for this if even that. I personally would go skimmerless and just do good water changes more frequently maybe.


Larger tanks with FO need good flow also, I would get 3-4 tunze streams. Maybe one on each corner pointing in different directions or get a single close loop with a sequence pump. If you are not going to have a equipment room behind it, I would seriously go with the tunzes instead.

You will need a chiller to keep the water on the cooler side,which prevents disease in FO tanks especially with larger angels and butterflies. I pressume you are going to use LR? Are you getting a larger UV unit? like 150+ watt? I would to prevent algae and disease. I would also get some kind of mechanical filter even if it is some filter socks in the sump. Finally, get a 300g or so water storage tank so you can always have enough water for larger changes once per month.
i was looking at the aqua c ev skimmer, also the tank will be in my garage, so i will need a chiller, and a u.v ster, looking at currents u.v commerical. also i will go with filter socks. dgasmd
question would it be to hard to maybe due a reef setup in the future. let me know what you think.
I wouldn't skip on a skimmer. You will want to get rid of the waste that larger fish produce. Check out ASM.
purpletang26 said:
question would it be to hard to maybe due a reef setup in the future. let me know what you think.

Completely different animal. It will be like starting all over in a sense. :eek1:
A good skimmer will be a very good thing to have. The fish you want generate lots of poop.

If you go with a mechanical filter you will need to be diligent with changing the filter material. Avoid bio balls. A good skimmer and adequate live rock will do most or all of the job.

Chiller? Only if the temperature is up. They are expensive. If you are not using metal halides or multiple submersed pumps then I doubt that you will have a big temperature problem.
looking at aqua c e.v skimmer or asm, also i'm still playing with the idea of either just fish or fish and sps corals from middle of aquarium to the top. let me know what you guys think.
I disagree entirely on the skimmer. You probably spent close to if not more than 10,000 on the tank, depending on the material. Don't cut corners on the skimmer. There are a lot better skimmers than the ev series. I'd consider a double beckett driven skimmer for that kind of load, or one of the large Deltec skimmers. The money you save in buying a dual-head beckett instead of the Delec 1004 will be sucked up in your first year or so of power bills from the Blueline 100HD you'll need to run the beckett. Just my .02. Big fish=big poop. Ditto dgasmd's thoughts on the Tunze streams. Very important in a tank of that volume.
lighting units running me $700.00 for all 3 units
what will my electric bill look like people, any ideas.
i wish people would just tell me some things i can use for the tall tank instead of a wet suit. everything will be glued or epoxy, lot of clams on the sand bed. and musrooms and zoos and other hardy corals at the buttom. only need to clean front of tank with 1inch manget, sides will be painted and will be in wall anyway. so were will i have the problems. will have calicum reactor, phos reactor and 2hp chiller
I would also seriously consider investing in a quarantine system. A tank that size could easily contain $ 2,000.00 to $ 5,000.00 worth of fish. It would be a shame to have something tear through it.
i will have a 100 gallon rubbermaid that will be my quarantine
also all the fish will be held in a 300gallon tank when i first get them to make sure everything is alright
purpletang26 said:
i will have a 100 gallon rubbermaid that will be my quarantine
also all the fish will be held in a 300gallon tank when i first get them to make sure everything is alright

a) you can't see the fish in a rubbermaid tub, so not a good choice for a quarantine tank.

b) why 100 gallons, that's a lot to medicate, etc.
How about an update?? Also, I disagree about the rubbermaid tub. If you light it well, It'll do just fine. You can always (and should, actually) turn off the flow inside the container to allow the water surface to calm down.

And as far as the lighting is concerned, :wow: :wow: Sounds like you are more serious than you first let on about corals in this tank........I'm looking forward to pics!!!!