857 gallon aquarium

right now i'm still trying to dertermine the height of the stand, because its going in the wall into the garage. also right now on the lights uh at (2) 1000w 14k units in the middle, and (4) 400w
14k HQI units. 2 on each side. looking into a 2hp chiller.
thats were i'm at right now, i'll keep updating.
i'm guessing electricity will be around 30-40 bucks a month for just those 3 lights.a 43" deep tank will be almost impossible to light with clams on the bottom. the dimensions in that tank are not well suited for anything else except for fish only. even if you epoxy mount every coral on, you'll need easy access to them. without a snorkel and mask, it will be impossible to reach the bottom of that tank with your hands.
I'm thinking the electricity will be a LOT more than $30-40 for lighting. Just for estimate, think 1000w=1 kW. 1 kW/hr costs roughly $0.08 after utility taxes. Assuming you run the 1000w bulbs for only 5h each, and the 400w ones for 10h each, that would be roughly $65, assuming your ballasts are running at 100% efficiency.
Also, I agree and disagree about clam lighting. Although this sounds like very little light, check out Daniel Knop's "Giant Clams" book. In several tanks mentioned, the depth of water is over 1m deep with clams all over the bottom, as well as corals everywhere. The dimensions of this tank are spectacular, not unsuitable. I don't want to offend Dave. JMHE.
Have you looke dat any of the large tank setups in this forum? I recently started a thread on mine that I purchased as a complete FOWLR setup. Some of these people are right, big fish poop big. Like baby size poop.

My tank is 3' deep and is a pain to reach the bottom. I can't imagine one 4' deep. You'll need some custom made long tongs and scrapers to keep everything clean.

A good filer for just keeping the water somewhat clean is to use a swimming pool cartridge filter. Check out my thread and you'll see one. It flows 5000GPH and I have it set up on a closed loop. I recently found a new style filter cartridge for it that I'm trying out. It's supposed to be able to be cleaned out with just a waterhose. The original cartridge for it, I had to use a pressure washer just to clean it. I did this about every three to four days. So far, the new filter has been in for 4 days and I'm jsut now starting to see a drop in the pressure. With the old filter, it would drop 10 PSi in 3 days and was time to clean it. So far, this one has only droped 3 psi in 4 days.

Another thing is the skimmer, GO BIG. You may want to look into a comerical skimmer from some of the other companies, not the hobbiest one's you've been looking at. My skimmer, though home made, is 6' tall with a reaction chamber of 10" dia. and 5' tall. It's run my 3 Sedra 9000's w/ needle wheel impellers. It does a good job of cleaning up the water I I use Ozone on one of the pumps.

Did I mention that big fish poop like babies?

UV's are also another good thing to have on FOWLR. Even if you go reef, their still not bad to have. I have mine inline with my return lines. It helps keep the water clear. Don't worry about it killing of the good things, I have a TON of pods swimming all around in my tank. Some as big as a 1/2 inch because I have no preadators.

Electric bill's. When I set up the basic system after moving it, I was running two pumps, one spa pump for a return and one pool pump for teh closed loop, three skimmer pumps, 8 X 55W PC lights and a few monitors. My electric bill went up 200 dollars a month, just by adding in this tank. With MH lights, I'd expect another 100 dollars to be tacked on. I'm currently looking for some more efficent pumps as teh two I have, one pulls 9 amps and the other pulls 6 amps. It's hard though to find a pressure rated pump that will flow 5000 GPH at 20+ feet of head pressure and is still efficent.

I don't like equipment in my tank so that is why I have such a larg return pump. You may be able to get away with less if your running streams in the tank.

Here's a link to my setup and some of the equipment.

Good luck and post some pic's when you can.


so is this fish only? Or clams on corals on the sand bed? You have stated both and the requirements are totally different. Also your electric will be more than people have stated. I would guess $150-$250 a month for the tank itself.
hmm i didn't read anywhere about what kind of lighting he has.

i know that when i added three 250W MH bulbs and run them for 8 hours a day. i was up 40 dollars a month

i'm only talking about the electricity to run his lightbulbs
Sorry. I was reading 2x1000w & 4x400w halides. I was making up a photoperiod just for the sake of estimation. Didn't realize you were talking about your own electricity bill. :D
Where in Texas are you located at? I'm in San Antonio and though I may not have the largest tank to look at, I am a member of a local saltwater forum called MAAST. There are many members on there that can help you out on these types of decisions. www.maast.org

Houston area there is one called MARSH and I believe there is also one in the Dallas/Fort Worth area too....

That way you can see local tanks and compare and contrast, along with talking to the owners.
well i want to do angels and sps and clams, you know i want my cake and eat it too. still doing a lot of research on everthing.
the tank is already paid for got a great deal on it, it was already built for another customer and he backed out. So thats were i came in and took the tank and the savings. so thats why its 4 ft tall. so lots of things i'm thinking about doing with the tank. it is going in wall connected to the garage, will get a 2hp chiller. thats why i'm looking for info
My tank is currently sitting in my garage waiting for the fishroom to be finished. One BIG word of caution, HUMIDITY. It will be everywhere and anything metal within that gargae will rust. TRUST ME on this one.

If you can, totally enclose everything in it's own room and vent to the outside. Otherwise, anything you have in that garage, cars, motorcycles, lawnmowers, tools, WILL RUST.
purpletang26 said:
well i want to do angels and sps and clams, you know i want my cake and eat it too. still doing a lot of research on everthing.
the tank is already paid for got a great deal on it, it was already built for another customer and he backed out. So thats were i came in and took the tank and the savings. so thats why its 4 ft tall. so lots of things i'm thinking about doing with the tank. it is going in wall connected to the garage, will get a 2hp chiller. thats why i'm looking for info

keep up the research. It is a good idea. You are planning to mix things that will most likely not work. Many or most angles and butterfies will eat SPS, Clam, Zoos, and LPS. Plus tube worms and sponges. That being said I do have an emporator in my SPS mixed reef. I got him small as a juv and kept him well fed till he was an adult. He doesn't mess with much. He will chow zoo's once in a while. BUT it is hit or miss some angles are better than others. OH yeah to confuse you a bit more. Most pigmy "reef safe" angles will pick at clams. So decide if the corals or fish mean more to you and start your stock list from there and what will not bother/eat whichever you pick. Hope that makes sense
If this will be in wall, you might think about changing the overflows and run a 3' or lower internal water level. You could then use a wavebox or something and get some good sized waves going in there, and not worry about water getting out of the tank.

You could get by with less light if you wanted to save a little $ on the monthly electric bills.
you really need to decide if you want reef or FO or FOWLR.
Its a PITA to go reef AFTER you do a FO. And its a waste of money to go reef, then go to FO. So if you think you may go reef later on, then get the reef things now (lots of lighting, big skimmer, liverock, lots of flow etc).

also make a fish list. 800 gallons is a lot of water! you can basically put anything you want in it. Both types of systems have there perks. Theres nothing like having big show angels and triggers in a tank, but you can't have a reef with these (most of them)

take it slow, and get a list and a well thought out plan first before you do anything. Always check back here for suggestions :)
think about ozone for that tank and a large skimmer (R2K)! that will make your life a little easyer and dont forget about water changes!!!!!!
AcroSteve said:
If this will be in wall, you might think about changing the overflows and run a 3' or lower internal water level. You could then use a wavebox or something and get some good sized waves going in there, and not worry about water getting out of the tank.

You could get by with less light if you wanted to save a little $ on the monthly electric bills.

With a tank this size I don't think a wakebox and ext will work... I would ask Roger (Tunze Forum)...
857 Gallons?!?!?!?! Invest in a good pair of goggles, a good snorkel, and possibly a good floatation device. have fun!