8th Grade Science Teacher looking for donations.


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I am Ben Strouse, an 8th grade science teacher at West Side Middle School in Groton, Connecticut. I am trying to get a Marine Biology enrichment class off and running in my classroom. The best way to teach this is through hands-on experience with a marine tank. I am hoping that you will be able to help with bringing this education and joy of marine life to my students. I have the space for a 75- or 90-gallon reef ready aquarium with room underneath for a 30" sump/refugium system. I am looking to do this the right way with fully functional equipment (it doesn't have the be the best-looking). If you can donate or help in any way, that would be fantastic and greatly appreciated.

I have contacted several companies to see if they would be willing to donate in anyway. I have heard back from Hydor saying they would be willing but did not specify what they would be donating.

Thank you very much for any support that you can give to myself and my students.

Benjamin Strouse
Sounds like a great idea but I want to make sure that you don't go down a road that will be tough to travel. Getting the gear and set-up is the easy part. The costs of maintaining a tank can be steep and just keep coming, year after year. I started small at the school here as well, and paid a TON out of my pocket to keep things going for years. School budgets are tight everywhere, so they may be less than excited about spending money to keep the tank going. Have you looked into how you are going to keep it going after you get it set-up? The other concern is what happens in the summer? Taking a bigger tank down is not a good idea, and it is not feasible to move it back and forth. Do you plan to go in often enough to keep it working over the summer?
Don't take this as me shooting you down. I support the idea of teachers setting up tanks and would be happy to help you out, but I also have a better idea of what it looks like from the inside than most (better than I would like to have in most cases) and want to make sure you have the long term in your planning as well.
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you get going.
For starters I have a GoFundMe account set up right now taking donations for all my supplies that I can't get donated. There is also a significant amount of money in that account for maintenance of the next few years.

As for the summer, I plan to buy a chiller, auto top off, auto feeder, and come in 1-2 times a week to make sure everything is going great. Plus one of my Para's lives right down the road and she is willing to stop in as well.
Afraid my reef tank equipment is either in use or absolute crap. I do have a submersible pump that may be serviceable though. Either way, welcome to frags once the tank is up.