90 Gallon Build

Plan is on hold temporarily. One of the Chromis is a goner. Parameters are all fine right now, so it could have been delayed stress or it could have been picked on by the others. Need to investigate. No signs of any disease that I could tell but discovered him lifeless at the bottom of the tank behind a rock when I got to work today. The other three are a bit skiddish, but ate and are swimming around like normal.
Figured I'd follow up since I haven't in a long time. Busy with so many things once the tank is up and running I leave it on autopilot.

Moved the tank this past weekend and removed the skimmer. Turns out it was too tall for the sump and tank so if I needed to remove anything it was physically impossible to get out with my setup. I'd be up to trade it for a decent HOB skimmer or a smaller one that can fit in the sump.

As for current livestock (wow realize now it has been over a year!) I have 1 clown and (4) 3 stripe damsels along with an urchin.

ATO is set up on the other side of the wall with a 32 gallon brute and I fill up the RO/DI water to it. Will add a pic soon.

Updated pic
Need to fix doors - refinish and replace hinges with SS hardware.
Mag 5 pump loud since move , need to clean out or maybe get quieter pump - eheim? - but could just need to swap out hard pvc for flex. Impeller still loud. Could be sand or pebble in there.