9002 initial setup


New member
I've installed a 9002 into a Biocube 29 in the 2nd chamber along with an InTank media basket and the InTank replacement cup for the 9002. I'm wondering what I should be seeing/hearing when I power the 9002 up for the first time in order for it to be functioning correctly. Currently, when I look down the cup tube I see and hear what would best be described as a fizzy drink or alka-seltzer. I don't get any real foam forming at that point just the fizzy bubbles. I've tried opening the blue knob and it just seems to make the fizzy bubbles go bigger into more of a gurgling mixture. Maybe I'm too impatient and I don't have much to skim right now? The tank is about 5 weeks old and I have a CUC and two fish in the tank and my water readings look normal.

Also when looking into the skimmer without the cup where should the water level be inside the skimmer - above the hole or below?

That sounds correct, in general the blue screw will be opened 2-4 full turns from closed to produce a skimmate that is about the color of tea. Adjustments are best made by the skimmate color and consistency. With the cup removed the water level will be just a bit higher than the water level in the tank. If it makes a gurgling noise the skimmer is submerged too deep and water is entering the air intake. The water level is fine as long as it is no more than 1" below the line marked on the skimmer, about 1/2" below the marked line is ideal.
Ok - I started it up last night and over night I got an entire cup of what i would call really light tea with 1/4" of foamy bubbles on top and more pushing up right now. It seems like there is too much liquid in the cup and not enough bubbles or I guess I thought it would be more like cappuccino foam instead of dish soap bubbles. I have attached photo below. I have the blue knob open 1.5 turns currently. Is this correct?

Also the unit is not exactly quite - almost sounds like water boiling. Is this normal? Do people run these 24/7 or just for a period time time each day?

Adding some new info here - it almost seems that overnight with the skimmer running the water got cloudier. Is this possible or a separate issue?

Here's a picture:
Re: 9002 initial setup

After reading through some older 9002 related threads I'm starting to think my skimmer may have a defective venturi as this unit is noisy. I'm also not getting skimmate that looks like frothed milk but more like soap bubbles. I've got the the valve open 2 turns and it's very noticable above the light fan in the hood. Thoughts?
A defective venturi produces no bubbles and will not skim it has nothing to do with noise. Based on the photo of skimmate, your venturi definitely works. I am not familiar with the aftermarket cup you are using, I know of them, but have never used one, but I would assume that the air flow likely needs be turned down further as it is shorter than the stock cup. The cloudiness would not be related to the skimmer, it is most likely a bacterial or algal bloom or some stirred up sediment and will work itself out on its own, the tank is still very new and you will have these events as it stabilizes. The noise is due to water being inside the air line. Raise the skimmer so the waterline marked on the skimmer is 1/2- 3/4" above the actual water line. The US pump is stronger than the european version so the skimmer will work best when raised a bit higher. Unplug it, close the airscrew completely. Plug it in and slowly open the air screw after about 20-30 seconds, this procedure will help purge any water trapped in the airline and keeping it raised higher will prevent more water from entering. That should take care of the noise. From your photo it looks like everything is working correct, the consistency of the foam is largely a factor of the waste in the tank, so you likely just don't have the load of waste that will produce a finer foam, but it is operating correctly and just needs some minor adjustments.
Thanks. Glad to hear it's no the vernturi.

So tonight I will raise the skimmer. What problems would I see if I raised it too high?

In general do people run their skimmers 24/7 or do they put them on a timer?

Thanks again for your help.
If it is raised too high you wouldn't get any skimming but this is easy to check, the water should be no more than 1" below the marked water line on the side of the skimmer.

Ideally a skimmer is run 24/7 but you can shut it off at night if the noise bothers you.