9002 magnet move?


New member
I've heard of people cutting off the magnet or moving it. I might need to do that in order to get mine to fit a new setup.
Any ideas or suggestions?
They are very hard to cut off without damaging the housing, sometimes you get lucky and they were not well glued to begin with but they are glued on with a solvent weld which essentially melts the plastic together. I don't have any advice other than to be very careful when cutting and try twisting it and prying a bit just in case you have one that is not well glued.
That's not what I was hoping for but it makes sense. It seems pretty well attached which is why I asked but I do know this is a fairly regular adjustment for AIO chamber fitment. If anyone else has anything to share I'd appreciate it very much. Don't want to break anything though as i could always sell it to someone who can use it as is. It's a great skimmer...
9001 is thinner as the magnet is recessed into the body, we used to have a custom 9002 without the magnet, In Tank had these custom made. You can get the spare body but the magnet is attached. If it were me, I would either use a wire saw or a coping saw and very carefully follow the magnet/body line. A dremel with a larger carbide blade carefully worked on all sides could also work.