9006 troubles- not skimming/producing foam


New member
in upgrading my 29g to a 60g cube, i moved my lr (25lb) from the old tank, and added 20lb of (8 week old) cycled marcorocks.
i purchased a slightly used (3 months, looks brand new) tunze 9006 skimmer.
i checked all connections, everything appears connected and tight.
lower door is in the " fully open" position, for skimming.
i am using it "in tank" and keep it at a constant water level +- 1/2 inch of the blue "water" line on the unit with an ato.

the skimmer has been in the tank for 8 days. i started by opening the air valve 3 full turns, and waiting a day or two, then opening by 1/2 to 3/4 turns on successive days.skimmer is super quiet,and the bubbles it produce looks fantastic- BUT- it has not put any skimmate "over the neck" and into the cup.
i probably have the valve open by 5-6 turns at this point (it is marked, so i could count...) and the skim is still not close to coming over into the cup.

so- does it just need more break-in?
is my bioload just too low for this skimmer?
any other stuff to check for?

my bioload is probably low (1 coris wrasse, 1 rainsfords goby, 2 threadfin cardinals, 1 firefish and 1 snowflake damsel) the damsel is the largest, probably 2 1/2 inches.

i checked last night and i had the valve open 5 3/4 turns! i was worried that was a too much, so i closed it all the way, then re-opened to 3 1/2 turns. skimmate still does not enter the cup (at least 2" below cup)

another thought - this is a "new" setup and i have had my hands in it almost daily, could that be the problem?

I think you are correct on both counts- the very low bioload and the combination of it being a new tank and having your hands in it often are keeping it from producing enough foam to climb into the cup. Try opening the air nearly all the way and just letting it run for a week or so. Feed as you normally do, try to keep your hands out of the water, and see where the foam is after a few more days.
I would keep in mind that their can be a sweet spot for the air, often opening the air all the way when plenty of organics are present will work, but if their is a lower organic load, the vigorous bubbling could tear apart the developing foam head, I would probably instead of opening the air all the way, go with 4 full turns open and observe, if foam is climbing but not entering the cup open a 1/2 turn per day until you do see foam enter the cup.
will do.
i'll try (keeping my hands out! ) and opening 1/2 -3/4 turn each day. don't want to open all the way, because there is a possibility (due to where it is set up in tank) that if the cup overflows, some may run down the back of the tank...
also, is there the possibility that there could be some (i little?) water in the air line? or would that "blow through" over time?
i know how to pull the bottom off the unit, but does the top come off too? (like the 9002 skimmer?)

thanks again
If the cup is assembled properly (lid screwed on) it should be able to overflow, once it fills it will seal the cup so air cannot escape and this will push down the foam head and effectively shut it down.

Water in the airline would dry out over time and tends to make a distinct noise, like an old fashioned percolating coffee maker.
thanks on the overflow tip- i didn't know that.
no percolating noise, it is really quiet. (i love how quiet it is!)