I have a 9440 that I bought about 1.5 years ago. I've had constant problems with the ceramic shafts breaking after a month or so of use. One of them is still limping along, but I took the other into Bruce at Aquatek here in Austin, and he swapped it out with one of the newer hydrofoamers. It worked fine for about 2-3 weeks, and it started making some grinding type noises. I took it apart and cleaned it (it wasn't dirty at all). This fixed the grinding noise for some reason, but I have had to do this twice now, as the grinding noise comes back after a while. That is one of the reasons I bought another hydrofoamer to have as a spare. I did notice that it's pinwheel (the one that Bruce swapped out) has 3 rows, but it doesn't have the last row at half height. Sounds like that is the 50Hz version?? Could that be causing the grinding noise.