
With the bigger needlewheel it draws more power of course, It should be about 20W at 115V, you likely have higher voltage and that accounts for some of the discrepency. The airline is now a larger diameter as well. The airflow should be about 650- 700l/hr. The higher the water level, so long as the top of the pipe is above the level, the better the performance. The power/air ratio is different but not by much. Just add a few watts to the table for a rough estimate, but a meter would be a better way to measure.
Yes, it is, I just don't have any larger airline yet, the intake fitting also has to be changed on the pump, but this isn't a huge chore.
Just checking back in for any 9420 updates ?

I'm getting pretty good skimmate production right now. I have the new needlewheel and the original air line, although I don't have it connected to the skimmer body, seems to do better this way. The only downside I can think of is loss of the anti-overflow function (?).

If the fittings for the pump (and skimmer body?) are available I would love to have a couple of them. I can source the tubing locally, unless it's some oddball size. I have a picture of 5 days worth of skimmer production here. http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=15060723#post15060723

Keep in mind that there are no fish in this tank (yet) and I'm not feeding anything. The tank has been cycled for about 2-3 months prior to this but I just turned the lights on about a week ago. Just going through a diatom bloom now which has got the skimmer going.
I don't have the fittings yet but it is not a very elaborate process, you could DIY fairly easily. Just pull out the existing glued in nipple, bore out the hole and glue in a suitable plastic tube for the size airline you will use. You can use acrylic tube or PVC tube. It won't have a huge impact but some.