96gts 185gal Build.

It was a sad day for me. Look like almost complete loss of all my corals, all sps only white skeleton left. Sad part is I grew all these colonies from tiny 1-2"frags almost 2-3yrs ago. It happened quick as everything looked fine when I left work yesterday morning. Also loss a bunch of fish, a pair of Flame Wrasses, a pair of Pyle Wrasses, Labouti Wrasse, McCoskers Falsher, Yellow Eye Kole, I had most of these fish for about couple of years, all fat and healthy. Only survivors are the Regal Tang, 2 Leopard Wrassses, Melanurus Wrasse, Clownfish and 2 Sharknose Gobies, I moved them into a 28gal Nano and 20L, and they are not looking good too.

My guess is I had a Alk Swing and took out some of my bigger SPS colonies and they polluted the water and took out the fish and other corals cause of Ammonia spike. Sad Sad Day! I was up until about 3am trying to save what I can. Not looking good so far. I will try to figure out what happened when I have a chance.

2011-07-26 00.26.27 by 96gts, on Flickr

2011-07-26 00.25.45 by 96gts, on Flickr

2011-07-26 00.28.05 by 96gts, on Flickr

2011-07-26 00.14.36 by 96gts, on Flickr
Did you end up returning the Metis fixture?

Ya, I returned the Metis and bought the AI Sol Super Blue. Pacific Sun will only offer $100 credit for the bowing on the housing, they insisted it was damaged in shipping. But its not, as the box for the fixture is in perfect condition. On the other hand, the AI is great, fit and finish is perfect.
I finally added some livestock into the tank after adding the sand and liverocks for over a week. I used the Dr. Tim One and Only Live Nitrifying Bacteria, never see any ammonia and nitrite, started having reading of 5-10ppm of nitrate after 1-2 days. I didn't have time to setup the AI yet, I'm just using a Reefkoi 120W 20K LED for now.

2011-08-07 16.54.32 by 96gts, on Flickr
Here's a picture of the tank taken last night with my cell phone.

I took a couple of pictures of some of my fish when I had the camera out. The Choati and Watanabei are still in QT.





Beautiful tank and great shots. Sorry about the loss earlier but just have to hop back up and try to forget about the losses. Amazing at how much we can lose in this hobby in such a short period...
After one week in QT with Prazipro, the Choati is adjusted to the light schedule better and will stay out for more than 8hrs. It's eating PE mysis aggressively 2-3 times a day, so I decided to move it into my 185gal display late last night. It went straight into the sand, hope it will adjust to the new tank quickly.

I also pickup a female Watanabei this past weekend, will take picture of her when I have a chance. She's small, less than 1/2 the size of the male.
I just received pictures of a couple of new fishes I ordered from Rodney from My Exotic Fish (My Favorite LFS). He will QT them for a few days before I pick them up, I can't wait to pick them up. The Lineatus is 5"!



Still no sign of the Choati for 3 days in the display, but he might be out while I'm at work.

Here are a couple of pics of the Watanabei and couple of other fish in the display.





And lastly the Lineatus that I just got in QT.
Here are a couple of pics of the Choati in the display taken this weekend. I have him for slightly over 2 weeks now, look like he is gaining some weight. He is becoming one of my favorite fish.


