96gts 185gal Build.

Looks great, good to see you stick with it after such a tough loss. Did you ever determine if it was a alk swing that caused the problem?
I have Choati and Watanabei pair for about 4 months now, Choati is eating anything I feed and it's getting fat. As for the male Watanabei Angel, he's losing his stripes, look like he turned female even with a female Watanabei in the tank. I will take a picture of the Watanabei when I have a chance.


Also added a Labouti Fairy Wrasse about 2 months ago.


The sad part is the Rhomboid, Lineatus and Bellus Angel, didn't make it out of QT. The Rhomboid never eat and died within a week or so. The Bellus and Lineatus were doing great for 4-5 weeks and a few days before I was about to add them into the display, they stopped eating and died a couple days later. They were treated with Prazipro and Cupramine, and were eating anything I fed them. Only thing I can think of is they somehow has internal infection as the Lineatus was having some swim bladder problem after it stopped eating.
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great pics, great fish selection. tough luck on your losses. keep at it man, tank is looking really good.

any thoughts about the Dr Tims one and only? did you say you only waited a week after adding sand and liverock, then the bacteria, then the fish and coral the same day? any spikes, losses, hair algea blooms? whats your review?
great pics, great fish selection. tough luck on your losses. keep at it man, tank is looking really good.

any thoughts about the Dr Tims one and only? did you say you only waited a week after adding sand and liverock, then the bacteria, then the fish and coral the same day? any spikes, losses, hair algea blooms? whats your review?

Personally I think the Dr Tim One and Only worked great. I added all new sand first, after couple of days I added live rocks from old tank and Dr Tim One and Only. Never see any ammonia spike, and started seeing nitrate on the 2nd or 3rd day. Added the fish and corals after about 3 days and didn't lose any livestock.
that's great, thanks. I usually would do it the nice and slow way, but I unfortunately am on a time crunch to move my old livestock out into the new tank. After all the reviews, and your experience, I will give it a shot.

Assuming you used 2x 4oz bottles of the reef mix for your tank?

Thanks again and keep up the great work, I will continue to follow this one.
that's great, thanks. I usually would do it the nice and slow way, but I unfortunately am on a time crunch to move my old livestock out into the new tank. After all the reviews, and your experience, I will give it a shot.

Assuming you used 2x 4oz bottles of the reef mix for your tank?

Thanks again and keep up the great work, I will continue to follow this one.

I believe I used 3 4oz bottle, I bought them from Foster Smith when they were on sale. Do test your water though. Are you using live rocks from your old tank?
ok, yea 3 bottles would probabLy be the minimum for me too, but that stuff aint cheap either, haha. might try just 2.

as far as liverock, yes and no. I had about 85% of it taken out and kept in a stockbin from my old setup. I did monthly water changes, kept it in the dark, but never skimmed or monitored the temp, so it went through 7 months of temp swings. Depending on what bacteria survived will determine its "liveliness." I think it will be good to go, but who knows. I dont expect any die-off as that would have happened in the holding tank. The other 15% of rock will come from my barebones display holding all my coral and fish now.

note: I will be using all new sand too with the exception of a couple pounds I saved from my old tank and will beusing to seed the new stuff.

I have about 2.5 weeks before the new buyer is showing up to take my old 185, hence the time crunch. Rock and sand should be hitting the new tank in the next day or so. Its gonna be tight. But I suppose the silver lining is that I am going from a 185 to a 270 with the same bio load and an extra 100 gallons or so to diffuse any ammonia/ nitrate build up.
I haven't update this thread for some time. Fishes are doing great, but not so for corals. I had lost most of my SPS and also some of my chalice and acans, I think due to phosphate issue. I'm thinking about switching to mainly LPS and Softies, as I'm having too much issue with SPS in this tank.

I'm pretty much stocked up on all the fish that I want, I will need to remove some fish if I want to add any more fish. I have the Chaoti for 9 months now and it is still doing great. I had added Lineatus, Rhomboids, Red Sea Eightline Flasher, Orange Shoulder Tang and Lavender Tang in the last 6 months. All of them are eating well, fat and healthy.

I took a short video of the tank last night.
