9w turbo-twist


New member
I have a 9watt turbo-twist uv sterilizer that I will be adding to my tank. I have a refugium/sump in the cabinet below the tank. I just need some ideas on installation and what water pump to use with it. I was thinking about putting the water pump in the first chamber of my refugium, hanging the uv ster. on the refugium, and have the water from the uv ster. then return to the third chamber(sump). The second chamber is the actual refugium. With this setup I would just need to know what would be thew best water pump. The uv sterilizer will be connected to the water pump by a little less than 16" of 1/2" tubing. Or any other good ways to hook up this uv sterilizer would be greatly appreciated.
i hooked my turbo twist up to a fluval 204 canister filter. I just had it in the path of the return.
So the return from the canister went into the UV, then the output of the UV went to the nozzle of the canister that sits on the edge of the tank.