a bit of concern - health question


New member
Hi all,

This is my third try at rics from a great website, the first order has multiplied 7x. The second order had damage from shipping and died about 22 days later. Now this order came on wednesday and he is showing similar signs that the 2nd one showed.


It hasn't extended at all/much. It wont hold onto hard food like the FL rics do. I just lowered my salinity to 1.0245 from 1.026 as i thought maybe my salt content is a bit higher than theirs. I drip acclimated for about 90 minutes. My temp is around 79, should i lower it to 78? Should i keep it out of light for a day or two? it came from 400 MH's and i run a nano with 2x32pcs... should i put it way high in the tank? (i will be getting a 70mh as soon as they are back in stock, or maybe find somewhere else to order from.)

let me know what you think. Sorry pic is kinda bad, i took it on Vivid setting... makes things look OK if you ask me, and maybe i am just paranoid. I just dont like the looks of things.

I was trying to feed frozen mysis, i dose DT's every other day, should i maybe try fresh fish/shrimp from the grocery store?


I would consider placing midway in the tank. Hard to say what the actual intensity (par, lumens) under the 400 MH is compared to the 64w PC? How high was the MH compared to your PC?

They general lose their color when exposed to low lighting. They also may lose color when acclimating.

I would stick with the Phyto as far as supplemental feeding. The mysis or grocery shrimp is likely too large (unless you plan to blenderize it).