A call for help. SPS reef failing


A bit fishy
Hello All,
Please take a moment to read about my situation and provide insight. Our beloved 140g SPS dominated cube is in a 5 week downward spiral. We have lost colonies to STN and continue to lose more.

First, so you dont think that I am new to this, I have been reefing since the mid 90's and here is an "ok" vid of our cube a few months before before its decline. (apologies, I cant tell how to embed a vid in the post)


Typical water parameters in the reef are:
PO4 - 0.025ppm
Nitrate - rarely test, usually at bottom of test kit range
CA - 460
ALK 9.5 dKh
Mag - 1450-1500
SG - 1.026
pH wanders between 7.95 and 8.13 night to day.

I very sparingly dose aminos and feed a mixture of rods reef, PE mysis, and dry pellet food.

The reef has an ATI skimmer that does a great job, a reefdynamics CA reactor with large reef-rubble media.

I use a UV sterilizer at night and the tank runs carbon and GFO in reactors.

There is a refugium on a reverse photoperiod that grows caulerpa like no tomorrow. There is no algae in the main tank, the glass gets dirty once a week and must be cleaned.

The reef is mixed, with a small amount of LPS, a Ritteri anemone that stays put and is very well behaved, and a large amount of Acropora, Montipora, Millipora, pocillopora, stylopora, and seriotopora, among others.

Fish list is:
Two snowflake clowns.
three resplendent anthias
two Squampinnis anthias
four rock blennies
one Japanese elegance blenny
One achilles tang
one sailfin tang
one radiant wrasse
one potters wrasse
one naoko wrasse

Water is changed once a month, 20 gallons at a time, reef crystals salt is used.

Now for the problems:

1. 6 weeks ago I tried to plumb the CARX effluent into the skimmer intake to increase tank pH. This was an issue since I couldnt see the drip rate, it got plugged and the ALK fell from 9.7 dKh to 8 dKh in 6 days. Coral tips singed. Growth stops. Some tissue recession

2. 5-4 Weeks ago I go back to old method of effluent introduction, ALK rises, but corals were singed, not growing and using ALK, and ALK rose to 10 dKh over a period of two weeks, even as I raise the reactor pH to try to slow the rise. Coral unhappiness continues.

3. 4-3 Weeks ago I decide to get really serious about monitoring ALK. I check alk about 40 times in a 3 week timeframe. I get it stable, wandering at times from 8.8 - 9.2 dKH depending on the time of day I measure or the particular day. There are not 0.5 dKh swoops though, it changes slowly over weeks.

4. 1-2 weeks back, Corals still not happy with that amount of ALK movement, I increase reactor pH, increase effluent rate to prevent changes in flow rate, and over the last 1.5 weeks, ALK has been rock solid at 8.9-9.1 dKh, which is within the error of my Hanna Test Kit. Changed carbon and GFO.

5. Now: Alk is stable at 9 dKH, but corals still dying. Lost red dragon, 30K lokani, and an 8" pearlberry colony is rapidly dying back. reeftek starburst is on the ropes. Situation is worsening. 20g water change.

I am watching years of growth die, and honestly, over the course of 1 month, a very gradual wandering of 1 dkH should not result in massive death (after the 10dKh spike the alk sat between 8.5 and 9.5 as I got it more stable). Loss of color, yes, maybe some singed tips, but I can't help but think that something else is at work here.

I am totally open to comments and suggestions. Please be helpful. Just swooping in to say "Oh yeah alk needs to be within 0.001 dKh all the time" is not helpful. If you have never grown an acro beyond a frag, I am less interested in your input as I am of those who have successful SPS gardens. Thank you in advance for your help.

Share your experiences. What do you consider to be an ALK swing? 0.5 dKh? Do you think that ALK is the root of this problem?

I'll test anything and try just about anything. I have been at this for weeks and cannot stem the tide of destruction. Please help.

Lastly, the first corals affected were Seriotopora (birdsnests), and now that the ALK is stable, if the decline continues, my next plan of action is to change the CARX media for fear that there is some impurity in the media I have in there.
I just raised Alk from 7.5 to 8.5 a cpl days ago with no problems. I don't run GFO 24/7 when I notice my phos getting high which I don't check very often I put GFO in for a couple days any longer than that my SPS specifically the birdnest is always the first to show distress will loose All PE. Back when I was newer I left the GFO on thinking that wasn't the problem the birdsnest almost completely STN'ed Pulled the GFO as advised from some people on here and he has almost made a complete recovery since.

You have been doing this longer than I have though. Just thought id share.
I would move this to the sps forum.

Maybe try running some of that mechanical media that changes colors in the presence of different toxins. The name escapes me atm. Try to at least rule out contamination of some sort. I don't think a swing of alk as you described would cause that much of an issue.
I agree with you both and thanks very much for your input. SWK where in cali are you? Im in San Luis Obispo.

Basically, I am using a somewhat bootleg CARX media that my local shop was selling. I ran it for a year previously with no issue. But I changed the CARX media about 8 weeks back and about 6 weeks back I started having issues. That may be too much of a link to pass by.

If there is some thing in the rubble that is toxic, it would explain a lot.

To hedge my bets, I am going to swap out my media today. I have another jug of it. Yes, it is the same media, but at least I can look at what was in there and see if I see anything obvious. It is basically just chunks of coral skeletons, so nothing that screams "bad news".

I will give that a shot. The toxin indicator media is a great idea as well. I'll see if I can source some.

This is an example of my CARX media.
MODS: if you see this and you have a moment, might you be so kind as to relocate the thread to the SPS sub-forum?

Many thanks.
Markalot, thanks, I just put a polyfilter into a fresh filter sock in my sump.

I also just bought some ARM course media. Going to swap out the reactor media. I did speak to the gents who sold me the rubble that I am using now, and it is not totally bootleg, it is CaribSea media, it just came in a 60lb bag so they divvied it up into generic gallon jugs to sell it.

Anyhow, swapping media now.
It could take some time for them to recover, especially when global stn breaks out. What I do and cut my light cycle in half, run double the amount of carbon, turn down the flow and this one works for sure, if you can get the colonies out - take a qtip and use Brightwell Iodine and dab around the STN infection. I have had very good success with it stopping STN and quick regrowth when the tank is stable again.
So I found some interesting things in the reactor... here is a shot of them. This was rubble from CaribSea and it looks like I should stick to ARM in the future or at least be more discerning about looking at every rock that goes into the reactor.

It appears to be a stick of some sort, some weird dark rocks, some charcoal looking rocks, and anyhow, a good amount of non-calciferous material. Was that my problem? I don't know, only time will tell. But is it what I want in my Calcium Reactor? No.

I put 1 gallon of rinsed ARM course into the reactor and then hand picked some coral chunks from my remaining media stash to re-fill the reactor. I was very careful to only select pieces that were obviously coral skeleton.
You can see the foreign bodies in the reactor still:


And then once they were out:


And the reactor full with new media:

TDB320, I'd love to be able to do the iodine method but most of these colonies are grown to some very large rocks, I will try it with the ones I can get to though!

Thanks for the advice!
Question as I am new to SPS world too. But is 10alk bad if it is stable? Coukd the issue be the swinging of parameters as opposed to them being stable?

Bilk, apologies that is a critical omission! The tank uses a 8 bulb ATI powemodule with 6 Blue Plus bulbs, one Purple Plus, and one Coral Plus. The ATI unit has two RB LED strips, one on each end. The LEDs are run at 55% (low) and the T5 bulbs are 6 months old. The corals hae been in this lighting for many months.

TrueBlack I have thought about AEFW but I have had that plague in a previous system back east and I know all of the signs, I have dipped from this system, and have been very cautious about what makes it into the tank, I can confidently say that my system is AEFW free.

Biecacka -To answer your question, in my experience 10 ALK is not a problem, if it is very stable, I have read about successful tanks maintaining ALK that high. My issue was that I couldn't get things stable and this aggravated my SPS a bunch.

Having looked at more of the media I was using, I am now more confident than before that I had some dangerous impurities in my CARX media. I will attach another picture, but I have all sorts of random minerals, concrete, rocks of various types (any of which could have metal content), heck it even looks like there was a stick in there.

Tomorrow I will do a 30% water change (as big as I can currently do with my resources), and I'll monitor the polyfilter for signs of toxins.

As an aside, man a new filter sock and a polyfilter really did a number on my skimmer, that thing is down for the count!
Another pic of the contents of the caribsea CARX media. There are lots of items in there that aren't coral skeletons...