A couple of questions:Alarm, Null plug, Cond readout


New member
1) Is there an easy way to check what the alarm indicator on the Profilux indicates when blinking red? Or do I just have to check every probe? Mine is blinking, but all probe alarms are turned off.

2) According to the manual I should install a Null Plug when calibrating Redox. It was suposed to be shipped with the card. But I have a Profilux Extended an can`t find any in the box. Should I contact my dealer?

3) I have calibrated the Conductivity probe, it shows 0.002 too low value (SG) when compared with a refraktometer. Is there some easy way to correct for this in the Profilux control, or do I have to make a new calibration? But maybe this is this within its tolerances?
1) If it is blinking make sure you have the temp probe in the correct DIn socket, common mistake, other than that you probably have a paremeter set wrong somewhere. Easy way check vi profiLux control

2) If no Null plug (shipped as standard) then contact your dealer. But we never ship one without, they come with it.

3) What did you use to calibrate the refract? was it at room temp same temp as the calibration? same question applies to the salinity probe. Depending on the tolerence of the refract this could be within its own manufacturers built in tolerances.
1. alarm - maybe wrong plugging, and check level control

2. see above

3. there exist already some discussions to this topic -> use the search function

Regarding the alarm it was the time overdue alarm in "Level" which I accidentally had enabled.
Sorry to bother you about that.

Regarding the Null Plug, you mean that it is normally shipped in the same box as the computer itself, or should it be in the expansion card box? Does it look like an ordinary plug without a cable? If so I can´t find any. Will contact my dealer.

Salinity. I have checked the other thread, ando also wrote a post there, but it just disappeared. Anyway,
I calibrated the Refractometer with Osmosis water.
And the Profilux with the 50 mS calibration fluid (with the right temperature).

The strange thing is when I now check the calibration fluid it shows a 42 MS value with the refractometer and a 45 mS value with the Profilux. So with respect to the other thread it may sound as the calibration fluid is not very reliable?

The best thing might to take a sample from the aquarium (or is it better to use the 42mS? calibration fluid), measure it with the refract, and then calibrate the Profilux with that fluid reading? Or am I completely off track here?

Last: Sorry to bother you with my questions! It is an amazing thing of technology you have created! I get more and more impressed as getting deeper into the functions.
The calibration fluid is reliable. As written in another post we check samples and we never found a solution out of tolerance.

You must take the temperature compensation in account:
- Temperature of fluid during calibration
- compensation during normal operation

Checking the calibration by measuring the calibration fluid works only if temperature of fluid and aquarium are exactly the same.

Important: temperature and salinity probe must be near to each other - otherwise the temperature compensation won't work!

I recommend: Make the calibration again, make sure the calibration fluid has exactly the temperature of your tank.
BNC: null plug must be shipped with the eX
If it is missing you have 2 choices:
- obtain one through your retailer
- make it by yourself: take a BNC-plug (for example from old probe or PC network or whatever) and make a short circuit between inner pin and shield
Thanks for info. Will calibrate one more time. And carefully follow your instructions.

Null Plug:Suspected that it was only a short circuit thing. Would´t try though...but now I will!

Thank you for your help!

kind regards
If you calibrate the refract with distilled water you will have a tolerance reading when you try to read higher values, as i said before in 2 threads, please calibrate the refract against the same calibration of the GHL solution otherwise you are not going to get a result no matter what you try.