A couple pics from my 75G SPS tank

Nice tank!!!
What do you use for filtration?
I want to learn because my sticks are dying.

Hello Chris!

Sorry to hear about your trouble. My tank is really very simple. It is a 75G tank, with a Bubble Magnus Curve 5 Skimmer. I have about a 10G fuge in my sump and I don't use any other filtration.

I have a CA reactor which keeps Alk at about 8 and CA around 420. I have 4X54W Tek T5 retro backed up by 40 3W LED with Lenses.
LightHoodUp by Wiskey2727, on Flickr

Par is about 10% higher than this:

Here is an old sump pic:

Beautiful tank Wiskey! I love the layout of the rock work and your coral placement. The picture of your sump isn't showing up for me, I'd like to see that. How many fish do you have in there?
Beautiful corals.
I am interested in your minimal filtration with only a fuge. How is your feeding? Do you only feed the fish or the corals as well? Any products you are dosing?
Thanks again for posting.
Beautiful display Wiskey! Love the balance of colors and contrast over the reef scape, great job of placement, very clean look :)
Nice looking tank!

Do you get any shimmer from the leds, or is it totally washed out by the t5's? I'm considering a similar lighting setup for my 75 (soon to be 120 ... hopefully), but was leaning more towards LED actinics and using the T5's for the warmer spectrums.
Beautiful tank Wiskey! I love the layout of the rock work and your coral placement. The picture of your sump isn't showing up for me, I'd like to see that. How many fish do you have in there?

Thank you!! It seems I can't edit the original post anymore, but here is the sump pic from Flickr, this should show up.
Sump by Wiskey2727, on Flickr

I have 6 fish in there at the moment:
Sand sifting Golby
Purple firefish
2 clowns
Yellow tang
Chalk bass

Beautiful corals.
I am interested in your minimal filtration with only a fuge. How is your feeding? Do you only feed the fish or the corals as well? Any products you are dosing?
Thanks again for posting.

Thank you Kevlow!
I do have a skimmer as well, I would call it my main filtration, I also do about 15% water changes 3 weeks or monthly.

I feed pretty well! One cube of Misys some days, other days I use a cube of other meaty shrimp, or cyclopeze or other stuff, I feed the Tang algae once a week or so, and every few days I use a teaspoon of this powdered coral food, with flake and pellets.

I dose Kalk through the topoff and use the CA reactor, that is the extent of my dosing. If CA/MAG get too far off I may dose one of those but that's like once a year and manually.

Nice looking tank!

Do you get any shimmer from the leds, or is it totally washed out by the t5's? I'm considering a similar lighting setup for my 75 (soon to be 120 ... hopefully), but was leaning more towards LED actinics and using the T5's for the warmer spectrums.

I do get a little bit of shimmer, but it is mostly washed out by the T5, I would say that I get about 60% of my light from T5 and 40% from the LED so that's to be expected I suppose.

I really like the combo, I have 1 Atinic, 2 Blue Plus, and 1 Purple plus for the Atinics and I think it rounds out the color spectrum really well. The LED's I have 10,000K 6500K and Blue. If I did it again I think I would use less white in the LED's, and more purples, maybe even a red.

As the tank gets more mature I find myself liking a bluer look.

Thank you!!
What do you keep your parameters at?

I'm pretty conservative with this.
Alk - 8-9 Dkh
CA 420 (anywhere between 400-430)
MAG 1400 (I won't touch between 1200 and 1500)
SG 1.025 to 1.026

Temp - right now a bummer. I don't have a chiller, T5 lights cut at 81 and they have been doing that almost every day toward the end of the cycle.
Ideally 79 deg, all winter it's like that, but my AC is broken right now, I have a guy coming out next tuesday to fix it hopefully. My house is hitting 88 Degrees during the day, and my fans keep the tank under 81.5.

P04 and N03 I don't test, but when I did they were undetectable using standard Salifert kits.

My biggest concern is stability, if the perams drift a little low I make a small adjustment to the CA reactor that will bring them back up in a week or two.
