A few of my zoas

Nice looking zoas!
Do you plan to add theese to you display? Can we get a FTS?
How long have you had them?
What has your growth rate been over that time?
Water parameters?
Lighting and cycle?
Do u plan on mounting them onto you scape once they outgrow the disk? or let them spread on the sandbed?
Nice looking zoas!
Do you plan to add theese to you display?
I am in the middle of setting up my new tank. It's a 50 breeder and I am just waiting on the return pump and the sump to be made and I'm ready to go. I am planning on doing pretty much nothing but zoos in the tank. I have a couple Sun Polyp colonies (black and yellow) as well as some Acans (not sure if I want to add them or not) too but the rest will be zoos.
Can we get a FTS?
Sure, here is the last one as of July 27. Things have changed a bit since then though. It's a 30g AIO tank.

How long have you had them?
My first Eagle Eye colony was bought in March 6th of this year. My most recent pack was bought last weekend.
What has your growth rate been over that time?
It depends on the zoas really. My Eagle Eye colony is well over a hundred now whereas the Rastas I bought about 4 months ago haven't grown a single polyp. I recently got rid of my frag rack and started placing the frags on my rocks and I have seen A LOT of growth from the ones that moved. I also started feeding Reef Pearls about twice a week at the same time. My Purple Hornet frag has gone from 2 polyps to 8 in the past month. Same with the others in the DT. The rest are in my frag tank under PC lighting so they haven't been growing like that.
Water parameters?
Ugh. My weak point. I absolutely HATE testing my tank. I do it once a month at best. I know I know, I should test more often! So, the last time it was tested they were:
no ammonia or nitrites
Nitrates=almost 0
uhhhhh, I think that's it....
Lighting and cycle?
150w Halide with Phoenix 14K and an actinic LED strip. Actinics on at 3PM Halide on at 4PM. Halide off at 10PM actinics off at 11PM
Do u plan on mounting them onto you scape once they outgrow the disk? or let them spread on the sandbed?
See answer to question 1

phew. that was a lot of work!
John those are not blue hornets. Blue hornets have a white mouth:


Look in the bottom right corner, you can see mine pretty clearly with their mouths. Now, those are still really nice zoas, but not blue hornets.
*sighs* Oh well, like you said, they're still nice (even if they do look almost exactly like Purples). I guess I'm back on the hunt for Blues again. I traded my Miami Hurricane chalice for them too......

Thanks XJ! Can't wait to grow them from the frags to big ol' colonies!
Thanks guys!

No worries Grandis. My super-vegetarian hermits already took care of the algae. They love frags from the frag tank that have algae on them. Like animals!!
A couple new ones:

A no-namer:

Another no-namer (although they could be the African Blue ones)

Darth Mauls:
Sooooo the NJRC frag swap was pretty good to me yesterday! Not so much my bank account though.... Got about a dozen new Z's and P's! Mostly from Zoanthids.com. Here are a few:

Not sure what these are I should have written them all down...
*edit*He's calling these Marachino Sunrise

Mo's Heaven:

Tequila Sunrise:

And one of my favorites so far (even though the Tequila Sunrise are as well!) the Red Devil People Eater:

More to come as they're opening. Don't think the Red Devil will take too long to spread either. It was already eating last night!
Thanks WaVe RiDeR Coloagro! I get most of them from friends in my local club but the last pics I posted were from our frag swap.

turok, I got the RDPE from Zoanthids.com at our NJRC frag swap. It's still at one polyp but I just moved it out into the light more so I'm hoping that changes.