A Few Shots From Today


RC Mod
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RC Mod



man, that first one looks like it has nostrals! I'm digging the effect and colors in the second one. Is that same plant in the last image but closer? Did you pull the trigger on the wicked Macro lens you were asking about?
Ha! I see the nostrils! :)

+1 for the effect and colors in the 2nd one. What did you do there?
Thanks guys. First Louis, that rose is from the same bush that's out on the corner of a busy street. The other is a hibiscus flower. I didn' get anything new yet, that's around the end of the month. I'd really like to get a cheep, used Canon body and a MP-E 65, but I don't think I'll do that yet anyway. There's quite a few things I'd like to use that for, but it's very selective when it comes to subjects because of how it's used.

At the end of the month, I'm picking up a 70-200 2.8 vr11, a 17-70 2.8, and a sigma 150 macro. Also the dual sb-200 speedlight system for macros. I should be able to have a bit of fun when all that gets here.

I also plan to do some experimenting with tubes and tele's in different combinations to try to get closer than I can now. We'll see!!!!
+1 for the effect and colors in the 2nd one. What did you do there?

I used the shadowing and contrasting sliders in PS. It makes it look kinda fake, but I liked it, mainly because it makes the center stand out more.
Good eye SushiGirl. I was wondering what type of flower that was and I think you nailed it. I used to have the "confetti" cultivar of Lantana which I found very colorful.

Oh, and nice shot Jesse. I like the composition. Don't you think though you could have gotten a bee or dragonfly or something in there as well? ;)
There wern't any bugs out. Real windy, but I was trying out the R1 flash that I just got programed into the camera. Had to shoot something. :lol: