A Fish Literally Named After You


New member
Thought I would share an interesting article from Washington Post.

New Species Owe Names to Highest Bidder

I will give you all the gist of the article. The naming rights of newly identified marine fish species are being auctioned. The money that is raised will be used for conservation.

Some of these new fish are stunning; particularly the Flasher Wrasse. Check out the gallery and the prices. ;-)

Gallery of auctioned species:
There is already a scotts flasher wrasse as well as a clarki clownfish- I am set. You on the other hand...........gonna be tough!
Cool idea, but would you really want to buy the Paracheilinus flasher wrasse and have it renamed the Vitaly flasher wrasse...

"So what do you have in your tank?"

"Oh you know, a clown fish, a few chromis, oh and a Vitaly Flasher!"

I wonder how legit it is or if it like those places that sell you a star http://www.starregistry.com/index.cfm
Yeah that does sound lame...but the Vitaly Walking Shark would be sweet (Hemiscyllium vitaly).

It is legit insofar as you will officially select the latin species name...I assume that the genus name will obey standard nomenclature and convention.

The star thing is legit...but about as lame as having a "Vitaly Flasher Wrasse."