A floating,yet simple nano tank.


New member
Hi guys,hope everyone is doing ok.
It's been a while but you know how life always gets in the way:p
And since we are still in the early days 0f the new year, i hope you,your families and of course your tanks will have a great year:thumbsup:

This is the first nano tank i have ever had. Initially it was supposed to be an sps dominated but a couple of BTA's showed up and decided to bite the bullet almost 13-14 years after my last encounter with them:)

Tank is about 30 litres(10 gallons if i'm not mistaken-if i am please correct me).
It's lit with some pl lights.Two white bulbs and two blue.
There is a100w heater and a small pump which consumes 3.5w and gives around 1000l/h of flow. I have cut almost every plastic bar on the covers so i won't have to clean them all the time,plus i have the feeling that it makes the flow a bit more random.

Tank is only 4 months old and still has a long way ahead of it. On the top of the rock i have placed a small piece of star polyps which i hope will go and settle on the back glass too. Maybe it will look nice in the future lol
I am also thinking of adding a sun coral under the rock. I think it will look nice but i'm really skeptical because i do not want to target feed etc.
Up until now i love this tank because it needs and has taken the lowest attention that i have ever payed in one of my reefs.

I will upload some pics too later but for now here's a vid. Hope you like it:beer: https://youtu.be/bsXHzWJCY7k
I'm really wondering when i will finally learn how to post a thumbnail of my vids instead of the link:facepalm:
Looks great.... I love the idea of having a anemone nano.... So fun to watch the clown and them all.

Keep up the good work!
Looks great.... I love the idea of having a anemone nano.... So fun to watch the clown and them all.

Keep up the good work!
Thanks Justin,really glad you like it man:beer:
Having always been drawn to sps i was really skeptical with this tank but this thing has hooked me up like i never expected. Like you said it's really fun to watch. Maybe in the future i will add one more clown.

Very unique!!
Thanks Adrienne, i really appreciate it:beer:
One of the nicest things you can read/hear about one of your tanks!

Thank you both(and the rest of the people) that went into all that trouble of opening the link. I know it's a bit frustrating compared to a thumbnail, at least for me lol
...and as we say a thread is worthless without pics,so i shoot some yesterday and here they are. I hope your eyes won't hurt from the quality lol Didn't have the time to make any corrections etc

To embed the youtube use this with out the spaces [ youtube ] "everything after the v=" [/youtube]

so like this for the one in the quote [ youtube ] aXBtBDByO2M [/youtube]

will give you this
Man...thank thank you so much for spending time to enlighten me!!!
I really appreciate it:beer::beer:
I'll try to do that with the first vid too,thanks again!
That is awesome! I would love to put a BTA in my nano tank in the future but Ive always had bad luck with them in my larger tank.
That scape is pretty slick!
Thanks you so so much,glad you like it and thanks for taking the time to say/write it:beer:

That is awesome! I would love to put a BTA in my nano tank in the future but Ive always had bad luck with them in my larger tank.
Appreciate it bud:beer:
Go for it,you can observe this beautiful thing in such a greater way in a small tank. The only thing i hate about it , is that it has it's own mind and will do whatever it likes, especially when it comes to where it will ''sit''.
Other than that i love it

Thanks again guys.