That's it for now. I'm caught up on pictures. Major projects going on right now:
I am waiting on a few more pieces of aluminum strut to come in at Grainger. That's what I'm using to make the sliding light racks for the ReefBreeder lights on the QT station.
I'm starting the light rack on the display tomorrow. I'm waiting on a few pieces to come in for that. (Stainless steel lead screws, stepper motors, drivers....DIY automated light rack)
I'll get the frame going and then have to go back and incorporate some of the mechanical aspects later when the tank is curing.
Here's hoping Flickr doesn't follow Photobucket's lead. I'm not migrating photos again.
Thanks for following! I appreciate all the input I can get. A lot of thought has gone into this, but that doesn't mean they're all good thoughts.