New member
I'll have to give some thought to your idea of blowing out the sump sections monthly.
What exactly do you have in mind? Just turn a valve which increases the water flow so much the detritus is stirred up into the water column and moves on to be filtered out?
I have given some thought to trying to build an aquarium vacuum. Basically, plumb a long soft line into the feed side of a pump and have the output run through a canister filter and return the water via another soft line back where it came from. I know pumps generally don't like to "suck" as much as they like to "blow" but it seems like a do-able project. Maybe something like that already exists? I haven't done any significant research on it.
You could buy a cheap shop vac and use that. If your sump tank is elevated at all you could also build something with valves on both ends, keep the middle part filled with water, and the siphon starting should create a vacuum effect. I stole that from pmrogers on his build, it works pretty well.