a. kimbeensis?


New member
Do you think this is a. kimbeensis?



Looks more like A. tenuis to me. All the "kimbeensis" I've seen have stubbier corallites.
I'm not sure if it is or not, but here is mine that was labeled as A. kimbensis and it's much stalkier. I've only had it a few weeks though so it's still colouring up a bit. Not the best photo as the coral is a baby blue, so its hard to get a good photo without it looking brown or stark white haha

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Heres another photo of mine, looks a little brown from the camera function I was trying out, but its got more detail.

It is not A. kimbeensis. Could be A. batunai or something from the A. echinata group. When it developes some form, it will be easier. Nice colouring.

JokerGirl, that does look like A. kimbeensis.
Thanks for your input. The reason for the confusion is b/c when I got it from RM, it was sold to me as a. kimbeensis. Here's the picture from their website. I always save it for future reference like this.

RM Picture