A Newbie Filtration question


New member
Planning on
55g FOWLR setup.

Purchased a AquaC Remora skimmer (On it's way) and I'm not debating the filtration. i plan on getting about 30kg LR, but need some advice with the filter.

I'm looking at an external Canister filter hooked up to an external (Hydor ETH 200) heater.
Anyone else tried this setup before? (I'm avoiding having the heater on display in the tank.

What Cartridge filter would you recommend people? W/D, No media perhaps just carbon, litle media? OMG, so many Q's

Is the Heater tried and tested by anyone.

any input is much appreciated!

I dont like to use canister filters astey need to be cleaned out several times a week. I like to use sumps as they will give you more water volume, and you have a place to stor all your equipment.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6977417#post6977417 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Blown 346
I dont like to use canister filters astey need to be cleaned out several times a week. I like to use sumps as they will give you more water volume, and you have a place to stor all your equipment.

They absolutely DO NOT need to be cleaned out a SEVERAL times a week, that's absurd. Where people come up with bogus info like that, I do not know.

I love canisters, mine runs Carbon and Phosgaurd 24/7. I swear by carbon, and it is the best way to run it IMO, by far.

Once every two weeks is fine to prevent it from becoming a nitrate source.
you'll already have a filter.... your skimmer, and your LR... if you want to add carbon, aim the return backwords, and use a sealed bag of carbon, with the flow and the output from the skimmer holding it in place.

otherwise, go for a HOB filter. I've used whispers to great effect.

oh, you MAY want another 10 kg of LR.. otherwise, sounds good.
thanks Swanwillow, can I ask what filtration you're using at the moment?

Anyone else with ideas? similar Setups?
I have a skimmer, and LR... I had the carbon behind the out-put of the skimmer going, but removed it, cause there wasn't anything needing to be taken out by the carbon...

my main source of filtration=water changes. I have a species tank, specialized seahorses, so my flow is SO SMALL that there are dead-ish areas in my tank, and I can't have microbubbles from the skimmer, which happens every time I change the water... its a spiral.
weekly tank maintenence: skimmer cup cleaning 3x a week,
water change: 15% 1x a week
cleaning off the glass and then changing skimmer cup about 1 hr later: 3x a week

I WAS just running a HOB with my 29 FOWLR fuzzy dwarf lionfish tank. it only had the fuzzy dwarf, and a blue devil damsel. 10% water changes, ALOT...
I think those hang-on filters look like a nice way to run carbon. I've got a Phosban reactor, and it seems like a lot of trouble.

I am a heater skeptic, having had so many of them die, sometimes taking animals with them. I use two heaters and a temperature controller in my tanks now.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6977468#post6977468 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by HBtank
They absolutely DO NOT need to be cleaned out a SEVERAL times a week, that's absurd. Where people come up with bogus info like that, I do not know.

I love canisters, mine runs Carbon and Phosgaurd 24/7. I swear by carbon, and it is the best way to run it IMO, by far.

Once every two weeks is fine to prevent it from becoming a nitrate source.

The canister filters catch alot of junk, and have to be cleaned out regularily. Almost everyone that I have spoken with who run one have to clean it out once or twice a week. Otherwise it will become a nitrate holder.
No need to become so beligerant.
I love canisters, mine runs Carbon and Phosgaurd 24/7. I swear by carbon, and it is the best way to run it IMO, by far.
That's a good way to run a canister, but it's not exactly the intended use. Cansiters are sold with lots of filter pads to catch waste (mechanical filtration). When you run a canister this way, regular maintenance is important, otherwise nitrates will start to creep up on you.

Use LR and your skimmer as the heart of your filtration. For increased benefit, you could think about adding a filter to run just carbon, add a CPR Aquafuge (they're smallish, but you mentioned space is at a premium), UV sterlizer, etc. These things help with various aspects of the tank but are not necessary.

I don't know of anyone using the Hydor in-line heaters and I haven't heard any feedback on them. If you don't like the look of heaters, you might look into the Visi-therm Stealth heaters. If you have a black background, they would blend right in. Also, I suggest using two heaters. You never know when one will quit on you.


Good luck