A Reef Keeping Cube

Coral haul from RAP!

I went to rap BOTH days and it turned out OK. Not many companies came, ( possibly because Black friday is next week and people will rather do a sale at their shop)

There was so much going on I did not ask for the coral name! Espeically with these ridiculously new acros that are surfacing with intense colourations.

Total acros I purchased 16 acros.
Total Zoas I purchased 6.
total others 1 duncan

Their all in QT atm. I wish they will hold their colour but I doubt it will.

I am loving this one!

I def. know what coral this is. Its called JOE the coral.

Oregon Tort
Sunset millie

This will def. turn out to be a nice one if I can ever get it back to this color again

Zoa collection!

Equipment Haul
So I purchased a Aquamaxx ConeS c02 at RAP, I believe whats going on with my tank being cloudy is the skimmer was underrated, and not skimming much. So This will solve my problems!

Nice pickup! Hope this fixes your issues, if not, you could always try a new salt. Sometimes people should move on from their salt, but they feel too comfortable and stick with it too long (not that this is your issue)
Nice pickup! Hope this fixes your issues, if not, you could always try a new salt. Sometimes people should move on from their salt, but they feel too comfortable and stick with it too long (not that this is your issue)

Hey thanks! did you pick up anything ? I was hoping on Sunday there would be more of a sale but people didn't budge much.. Its not the salt, Whenever i dose NP Pro and Pro bio S the next morning if I look through the side panes The water is cloudy, Its been like this without doing water changes.

food for thought

Now I know people tend to get lazy and skip testing water and when you get lazy that's when things start to go wrong, If anyone does not have a Stirrer mixer yet I would highly recommend one. I bought this one on amazon for 40 or 50$ shipped and also extra magnet things for my other test kits.

Your hand will thank you! I wish I got this when I first started. Now its a breeze, testing takes 2-3 minutes now and you dont have to sit and swirl the vile with your hand.

This unit is battery operated and so far I've done about 20-25 test and it still stir's strong!
Your hand will thank you! I wish I got this when I first started. Now its a breeze, testing takes 2-3 minutes now and you dont have to sit and swirl the vile with your hand.

This unit is battery operated and so far I've done about 20-25 test and it still stir's strong!


This is your fault Sahin............:rolleye1:
Thanks for the info regarding the battery and Vectra M1. I love this pump as well.

With regards to the cloudiness; I had that in my tank as well. It disappeared after some weeks. I think its all part of the maturing process for the filtration. Bacteria do not populate the water column in our tanks to the point of the water getting cloudy; where this happens is due to there being more than normal amounts of nutrients.

Anyway, that is quite a haul with the SPS frags. :thumbsup: I need to get me some gems too. :)


This is your fault Sahin............:rolleye1:

Still using my magnetic stirrer and its a bloomin good tool to have around the reef tank. :thumbsup: I highly recommend one of these for you Andrew. :hmm2:

I'm sure you're loving the Flipper Magnet Andrew. :debi:
Sure did!

Won a Radion XR30 G4
Blue / Yellow tip Tabling Acro
2x Acropora hyacinthus tables (One pink w/blue tips. One Red w/purple & blue rim)
3x Millie (Rainbow, Copper, Peach w/Orange corallite)
Banana Lokani (Or Lorapies) will likely turn green lol..

There were some more I wanted but I decided to chill out and wait for some of my other club events coming up (:
Thanks for the info regarding the battery and Vectra M1. I love this pump as well.

With regards to the cloudiness; I had that in my tank as well. It disappeared after some weeks. I think its all part of the maturing process for the filtration. Bacteria do not populate the water column in our tanks to the point of the water getting cloudy; where this happens is due to there being more than normal amounts of nutrients.

Anyway, that is quite a haul with the SPS frags. :thumbsup: I need to get me some gems too. :)

Still using my magnetic stirrer and its a bloomin good tool to have around the reef tank. :thumbsup: I highly recommend one of these for you Andrew. :hmm2:

I'm sure you're loving the Flipper Magnet Andrew. :debi:

Thanks Sahin. Your future acro's will you be QT'n them with the double sock method?

Sure did!

Won a Radion XR30 G4
Blue / Yellow tip Tabling Acro
2x Acropora hyacinthus tables (One pink w/blue tips. One Red w/purple & blue rim)
3x Millie (Rainbow, Copper, Peach w/Orange corallite)
Banana Lokani (Or Lorapies) will likely turn green lol..

There were some more I wanted but I decided to chill out and wait for some of my other club events coming up (:

What other clubs are there? I want to know! Possibly buy some frags there as well...

I love the dimensions of your tank. I will be following its development. Good luck.

Thanks! It will definitely be running for quiet awhile!

This is your fault Sahin............:rolleye1:

Join the mixer club! You wont regret it!
What other clubs are there? I want to know! Possibly buy some frags there as well...

Well the specific event I'm thinking about isn't open to non-members, most of them are, this one isn't :eek2:

There's San Diego SDMAS, Los Angeles LARS, SoCal SCMAS, SoCal SCRK, and lots more!

How was everyones thanksgiving? I missed it this year, But next year I will definitely eat some ham,turkey,pie, I love pie...

tank update

I removed my filter sock ( will explain later)
I noticed my red dragon paling wednesday, When I got home friday it either bleached out or had STN. ( zero nitrates )
All other inhabitants are good!
Before leaving (wednesday) I dipped my sps in QT and checked for pest, NONE to see, After getting home Saturday I dipped them again and removed old plugs and added them to the display ( 3 dips total in 1 week )

I'm looking for someone to make a shield for my mp60. If I put it to high, It draws air from the surface. But to low it stir's the sand around. Hopefully I can make it myself...

After a week of the Aquamaxx c02 skimming this skimmer is a far better skimmer then any I have ever had ( pictures for reference )

This is less then a weeks worth! The skimmer is constant and doesnt break its foam if I feed frozen ( other then PE mysis )

Tested my n03 and sadly It was 0 ( Had to dose kn03 to 5ppm )


I will definitely be lowering my Pro Bio S and NP PRO to 3 drops daily, but keeping other dosage the same
Update: 12/6
As with fishes, They are known to jump, I lost one of my barlett anthias a week ago. Sad that she had to do that after QTing them for a while.
I made a mp60 surface cover, Its not pretty, But it will do the job :p. I hate seeing sand being blown around! With that being said. I will need to add a bit more sand, Or turn down the pumps.
The SPS is recovering nicely, and they are colouring up ! :)
I bought a Seneye Par meter ( see details below )

I really want to frag the zoas and move some over to the display. But I am terrified of cutting their soft tissue!
As for the SPS, They are still colouring up and growing. I lost my red dragon, I'm not sure why. After getting home most of the tissue was gone( I still have it in the tank as i can see some tissue is left hoping for a hail mary!)
I moved some sps around, Didnt like the location of them!


SPS frag pack!

These numbers are based from tank flows ON and screen net OFF (brs 1/4 netting) Fixture is 8" above water line

NANOBOX ATI hybrid (6bulb 6 puck)
Front to back B+, Coral +, B+, LED, B+,P+,B+

NO filter sock, I am able to see particles in the water. Photo is an old photo, And the numbers you see is where I placed my corals, ( Right side I could not check(cable was not long enough)

I turned my flow off but numbers were almost identical. +/- 5-10. As always these numbers were rounded +/- 5 as well