A Sad Day.


New member
Just had to vent.

My unicorn has always been the Achilles tang, after trying one years back and sadly losing it during the QT process, I put my hopes into obtaining one later on in life and 2 weeks ago I finally did.

I got a gorgeous specimen, 8", fat and full of character/life.

A couple days into QT he started showing flukes and other some other parasite. This was not Ich....I treated with prazipro hoping the other parasite would be helped flukes were taken care of but the other parasite....white in color, various shapes....was still taking over his body. I watched one spot on his side grow in shape from tiny to large in the course of 1 day.

The parasite appeared to be eating his flesh, so after countless hours I went through the method of a methylene blue freshwater dip. Could it be a fungal infection instead of a parasite? Possibly...

Anyway, it was spreading fast, and he had stopped eating...I figured if I'm going to FW Dip, now while he still has some energy (swimming slowly) is the time.

Carefully adjusted PH, temp 2 degrees warmer than the display, aerated the RO/DI water for 40 minutes prior.

He was a champ and swam around the whole time in his freshwater dip. I then put him back into the QT and all seemed well. QT was 80Gal, power heads, hiding spots, etc.

This morning, I find my buddy has passed.

I've done numerous freshwater dips in the past with my Chevron, Regal, etc etc....So I made sure it was aerated, temp, PH, less meth blue than more, only 10 mins in the bath and he was totally chill and fine the whole time.

QT tank was set up specifically for this guy, everything maintained, water parameters were where you want them. RO/DI water, etc.

Parameters between the QT and Dip, identical (or close enough too)

I can't help but be totally bummed out and depressed all day now. I know, I know, he was at the LFS, I gave it all I could and strictly monitored him.

I'm gonna miss the 15 minutes making Nori sandwichs just for him with LFS/Flake, Garlic and omega 3 supplements in it...

After examination of his body, the location of the parasites the flesh is eaten away in cuts, kind of like small gouges/rips everywhere. It only chose his face and lateral line at first, I'll go through the dip fluid later today, see if I can snag one of them. Maybe it was infection on the cuts from the flukes?

In the end, I sit contemplating....what if I just waited it out? I keep thinking my decision to FW dip being the catalyst for him dying.

The only fish, I've ever lost were the Achilles. (minus anthias turning savage on each other)

Now I sit questioning my hobby, hating myself and wondering what I could have done differently and if I should have refrained from dipping him.

I always read "if they die due to a properly done FW dip, then they weren't going to make it anyway"....

Unfortunately, it doesn't make me feel better.

Even as I sit looking at my 180 bowfront, seeing the fat regal,chevron, foxface and everyone else ripping around all content...this one loss hits me so hard....

Anyone else have these feelings?


IMO these fish should not be kept in our small tanks, they just get to large (up to 2 foot long). Have you considered getting a fish that has very similar personality but lacks the unicorn, Naso elegans are very cool fish especially when they get large and grow streamers!
So sorry about your fish.
Wish you luck on your next choice!
IMO these fish should not be kept in our small tanks, they just get to large (up to 2 foot long). Have you considered getting a fish that has very similar personality but lacks the unicorn, Naso elegans are very cool fish especially when they get large and grow streamers!
So sorry about your fish.
Wish you luck on your next choice!

No naso tang should be kept in a 75 gallon tank.
Sorry for your lose. It is always sad when a livestock dies.

I agree with the above comment. This fish should be left in the ocean or public aquarium. There isn't home aquarium large enough for this fish. There are plenty of other tangs that are full of personality and looks.
A Naso should have at a minimum a 500 gallon tank, more would be better.

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Your 180 is a 6 ft tank.

A Naso needs a 8 foot tank.


But also you said-

"A couple days into QT he started showing flukes and other some other parasite. This was not Ich....I treated with prazipro hoping the other parasite would be helped flukes were taken care of but the other parasite....white in color, various shapes....was still taking over his body. I watched one spot on his side grow in shape from tiny to large in the course of 1 day.
The parasite appeared to be eating his flesh, so after countless hours I went through the method of a methylene blue freshwater dip. Could it be a fungal infection instead of a parasite? Possibly...
Anyway, it was spreading fast, and he had stopped eating...I figured if I'm going to FW Dip, now while he still has some energy (swimming slowly) is the time.
He was a champ and swam around the whole time in his freshwater dip. I then put him back into the QT and all seemed well. QT was 80Gal, power heads, hiding spots, etc."

I found this confusing as it sounds like the fish showed signs of illness almost immediately when placed in qt but then you said he went back into the qt??

Regardless, very sorry for your loss, that always stings. These fish are huge swimmers and def. need many linear feet to feel comfy.

Best of luck,

Sorry guys my fault, i did not read his first post thoroughly to see the size of his current tank, i also made a big mistake that only Deinonych pointed out, my initial post i thought mickey was trying to keep a unicorn tang but was really keeping an Achilles tang, sorry for alerting everyone! But i am not the only one to make a mistake here snorvich! I guess we have no time to read these days? Any way, mickey204 has not come here to post about Naso tangs so lets get back to helping mickey out!
Again, sorry!
I agree with this statement. HOWEVER...

The OP had an Achilles tang, not a Naso tang.

Thank you sir!

The post was meant to discuss how even when we implement the strictest of standards with a new fish, we can sometimes loose it.

Some may believe we can cure any ailment, but I'm so sure that's possible.

And due to the attachment even as brief as it may be, we feel discouraged in the hobby after it happens, even if we've been very successful in the past with previous systems.

I went from an 80 cube, to a 400gal dropoff reef system down to a 180 in my Office. I've rarely lost fish in any process.

Granted I think caring and being emotionally impacted from a loss is what drives us to be good hobbyists.
Sorry meant to say:

Some may believe we can cure any ailment, but I'm *not* so sure that's possible.

Thanks Joke, I appreciate the input.
His original post was ambiguous. He said: "My unicorn has always been the Achilles tang"

It was a bit ambigueous, when i first saw the line "My unicorn has always been the Achilles tang" It seemed to me that mickey had been having trouble caring for a unicorn tang like many do keeping Achilles tang.
There sure was some confusion, but it's sorted now.
His original post was ambiguous. He said: "My unicorn has always been the Achilles tang"

Or you could just admit you didn't pay enough attention and instead of actually reading the whole post you just jumped on the tang police bandwagon for no reason.

There was nothing ambiguous about what I said.


But it's all good, I've read your posts before over the years, I know what you're like.

Hopefully you'll choose to be more constructive on my 450 gallon build thread.
