A small new video .....enjoy!!!


New member
You may have to refresh your browser page after it loads to get the video to show up but its working perfect on mine......

<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid17.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fb70%2Fmrx66699%2FVIDEO0023_zps8d9c576e.mp4">
nice video

thanks surprisingly its viewable with my phone lol ....my phone just doesnt do the setup any justice ...

That's one big nano :D

lol just small enough....

nice fish

thank you the setup has been doing perfect for about 6 months now and I am building back up my collection....it used to have a ton more.....I lost 24 leopards and about 14 other angles and tangs before I could get things eradicated from a nasty parasite that slipped in.......
Matt, can you turn off the blue lights and video it with just white lights? The blue washes all the color out. I learned that photographing and videoing my tank. Huge difference. Tank looks great, love that Bandit!
Very nice Matt, as always.

Thanks Rogger, trying to get it back to what it was...coming from you that means a lot.....cant wait to see your next set up

that's really nice Matt

Thank you.......

Matt, can you turn off the blue lights and video it with just white lights? The blue washes all the color out. I learned that photographing and videoing my tank. Huge difference. Tank looks great, love that Bandit!

Never tried it, like the thought ......

Pretty cool! How many clown fish do you have in there? Thanks for sharing.

Hey buddy ...good to hear from you, I have 13 in my system......

Awesome tank/fish Matt

Thanks, its coming back....
Very nice, I am glad to see your system coming back. You must have a long and specific list for future additions, what is next on your wish list?
Very nice, I am glad to see your system coming back. You must have a long and specific list for future additions, what is next on your wish list?

Thanks, .....next is a mate for one of my picasso clowns, always adding wrasses (specifically building back up my leopards (Kuiter's (Male) have a female, more Blacks, and more Ornates) and from there just whatever comes along....