the dark side is strong in you master!!
Thanks Flo
Good thing I only used half the bag then Can't wait to sneak out some real goodies next time :lol:
Thanks for the glue mate, i loooooove BSI super glue gel so it was a good reef trade......
About two hours after Dom left i got pics of his display with the new sand in it lol........ Dom does not muck around when he gets his hands on reef goodies. Looks ten times better already btw buddy :thumbsup:
2-3 days without reading this thread and it is amazing all that happened.
Andrew, I am setting up now a DISCUS tank with my wife. Yes, I know, it is freshwater and here we are all salty. LOL.
My point is that I used a reef 50 G tank with a 10 G sump and added 4 L of Matrix in media bags, in the sump, to make is easy for cleaning. Plus I added a media reactor with 2 L of siporax . I hope these Discus get a clean low nutrient water. For what I have been reading these guys look as complicated as Acro concerning water quality.
I tried keeping discus once Daniel......... once......... acros are way easier mate lol........... i wish you the best of luck not killing the fish your wife loves......
Just read through 4 pages I missed, great stuff Andrew.
So with the Matrix, mine is in a reactor and in my return chamber. Filthy dirty and full of detritus and no matter what I do I cannot raise nitrates in my tank. I've always had a nitrate issue prior to adding Matrix so I have to believe it's the Matrix doing the magic. I don't want to clean it but I suppose at some point the dirt and crap will outweigh any benefits.
Love the gutter baskets used to hold the rocks.
Hey Mark, matrix/siporax type media is extremely effective at dealing with nitrates - extremely, as in if you have high nitrates and trouble keeping them down stick about 1L media for every 100L of system water in your system and after it seeds with bacteria you will see the nitrates go in about a week. When it kicks in it really kicks in, mine woke up around 10 weeks after adding i think so the sooner you get it in the better.
Dosing bacteria etc might help speed it up but i didn't bother. The main point is, it actually works great and i would highly recommend such media as a bio filtration workhorse that you'll find very easy to use no matter how you run it.
That wasn't directed at you Mark, i went on a ramble mid sentence........
Just give your matrix a good blast once a week with a turkey baster in the return chamber and jiggle the reactor a couple of times a week. Don't mess with what's working mate, leave the matrix alone and if you don't change much else and nitrates start showing up in a month or two you might think the media is too dirty. If that happened i woul remove the overflow media entirely and clean the reactor media every month with a salt water rinse at water change time to keep it operating at a reliable level rather than seesawing the nitrates to zero every time you wash out the filthy media.
Hope you get what i mean mate, if dirty media works then you can run less clean media to accomplish the same thing AND keep stable phos and nitrates - phos rapidly changing is as bad as an alk spike -' trap for young players ' as my father used to say every time i was hurt helping him strip down the lawn mower or other device he decided to overhaul.......
I remember being about 12 and dad had me washing the mower bits in an ice cream container half full with petrol - from the mower prior to stripping.
' Up top for thinking son ' - that's what he said when i asked why i was holding the ice cream container under the mower being turned upside down..... he didn't like to waste much....
At some point after a few hours mom came into the garage and i don't actually remember this but apparently i was off my face so she abused dad and dragged me into the house and put me to bed.
Dad came and saw me when i woke and tussled my hair like iin the movies and said ' you're not supposed to breathe the fumes in you duffer ' and smiled at me. That's as close to an apology as you ever got from dad but i knew he felt bad so he was still awesome in my eyes
I wish he was still here so we could strip down the skimmer and wash it in petrol together - don't take your parents for granted kiddies ! :beer:
Happened again, went from matix to dad stories lol.
It's this one in case you wondered.......
The other one is a frag from Ken he gave me a few months back - it's a gorgeous piece mate, thanks heaps