A Splash of Color

He's a very good mate but more importantly he's an aussie Flo. You need to look at where the applicants live before you even start judging mate otherwise i might think you were having a go at one of my countrymen which i know you wouldn't be silly enough to do.............
since Austria and Australia are so similar in name you feel like neighbours to me so always keep smiling my friend :clown:





And no i did not taste the triton elements even though the most scary looking and sounding one - cobalt, is ever so slightly soft pink colored and it's in a tin lidded jar unlike the other elements with plastic lids. It's clearly special or they wouldn't highlight it like that. It is both scary and extremely enticing looking at the same time.......... this is a good example of dangerous packaging, it might as well be in a bottle labelled cherry soda from my perspective.

tank is looking awesome as always!
is this Triton Core7?
Hey Flo :)

I just ordered a few individual elements from the triton range, no idea about the core stuff etc mate.

I've been adding so much weird and wacky stuff over the last few months that i have no idea what is doing what to what tbh. Starting today i'm going to run the entire system fallow of anything but fish food and the half strength AF comp 123 daily. I will do two 50L water changes each weekend with AF sea salt because i can take that much out of the overflow without disturbing the display at all.

I am going to totally clean up the matrix and put all of it in media baskets, remove the 7-8lbs of rock still in the sump and basically try to get a lot more bacterial activity happening within the matrix alone.

I have thought long and hard the last week and come to the conclusion that i've had high phos issues my entire reefing career and it is that which has likely been behind my poor growth since i started keeping corals. I have always had to clean the glass daily pretty much and i think i have become so used to it that i've adjusted my entire reef keeping around too much phos/nitrates.

I'm going to get some AF phos absorber and run it until the glass stays clean for days - be quite a novelty lol. My very saturated pigments might just be because the acros are growing so slowly for all i know.

So that's what i'm doing this weekend, cleaning crap up and dosing nothing ;)
Sounds like a plan!


Hey Flo :)

I just ordered a few individual elements from the triton range, no idea about the core stuff etc mate.

I've been adding so much weird and wacky stuff over the last few months that i have no idea what is doing what to what tbh. Starting today i'm going to run the entire system fallow of anything but fish food and the half strength AF comp 123 daily. I will do two 50L water changes each weekend with AF sea salt because i can take that much out of the overflow without disturbing the display at all.

I am going to totally clean up the matrix and put all of it in media baskets, remove the 7-8lbs of rock still in the sump and basically try to get a lot more bacterial activity happening within the matrix alone.

I have thought long and hard the last week and come to the conclusion that i've had high phos issues my entire reefing career and it is that which has likely been behind my poor growth since i started keeping corals. I have always had to clean the glass daily pretty much and i think i have become so used to it that i've adjusted my entire reef keeping around too much phos/nitrates.

I'm going to get some AF phos absorber and run it until the glass stays clean for days - be quite a novelty lol. My very saturated pigments might just be because the acros are growing so slowly for all i know.

So that's what i'm doing this weekend, cleaning crap up and dosing nothing ;)
Thanks Marty :)

One month ago today when i placed it on the bottom.


Today, long way to go but settling in to its permanent spot well. It's not pink like my electric pink milli, it's a weird pigment shade i haven't seen before personally. It's like pink with something else mixed in......... fairy dust hopefully :)

A. prostrata that Chris charges like a wounded bull for.........


since Austria and Australia are so similar in name you feel like neighbours to me so always keep smiling my friend :clown:

Those yobbo's only have one neighbour mate and we hate 'em!

Except Dom, he's getting picked on by Aussies and we're used to that - so there's a mutual feeling there..
Hey Flo :)

I just ordered a few individual elements from the triton range, no idea about the core stuff etc mate.

I've been adding so much weird and wacky stuff over the last few months that i have no idea what is doing what to what tbh. Starting today i'm going to run the entire system fallow of anything but fish food and the half strength AF comp 123 daily. I will do two 50L water changes each weekend with AF sea salt because i can take that much out of the overflow without disturbing the display at all.

I am going to totally clean up the matrix and put all of it in media baskets, remove the 7-8lbs of rock still in the sump and basically try to get a lot more bacterial activity happening within the matrix alone.

I have thought long and hard the last week and come to the conclusion that i've had high phos issues my entire reefing career and it is that which has likely been behind my poor growth since i started keeping corals. I have always had to clean the glass daily pretty much and i think i have become so used to it that i've adjusted my entire reef keeping around too much phos/nitrates.

I'm going to get some AF phos absorber and run it until the glass stays clean for days - be quite a novelty lol. My very saturated pigments might just be because the acros are growing so slowly for all i know.

So that's what i'm doing this weekend, cleaning crap up and dosing nothing ;)
i see

the core7 is a their newest product for supplying our tanks... some of my friends are going to test it, i am staying with AF... hope my tanks getting better when my RODI returns from service...

love those spathulatas!! i need one myself... easier said than done ^^

Those yobbo's only have one neighbour mate and we hate 'em!

Except Dom, he's getting picked on by Aussies and we're used to that - so there's a mutual feeling there..

hahaha... didn´t know that... :wildone:
but we Austrians also hate those Germans... :lolspin:
Those yobbo's only have one neighbour mate and we hate 'em!

Except Dom, he's getting picked on by Aussies and we're used to that - so there's a mutual feeling there..

Kiwis are too lazy to hate anyone Dom.......... you'd never survive as a kiwi anyway mate with your fair skin you'd fry sitting on your arse all day on Bondi beach.......... :wavehand:

i see

the core7 is a their newest product for supplying our tanks... some of my friends are going to test it, i am staying with AF... hope my tanks getting better when my RODI returns from service...

love those spathulatas!! i need one myself... easier said than done ^^

hahaha... didn´t know that... :wildone:
but we Austrians also hate those Germans... :lolspin:

You can't just say you hate an entire country like that Flo, you need to at least justify your position mate. This is my take on Germans, in particular the German tradies.........

I met two German guys once who were plumbers backpacking around Aus for 6 months. They asked how much plumbers earned on average here and it turns out it's about 4 times what they can earn in Germany.

' OMG really, oh we must move here Dennis omg we will be rich '
' Oh ya indeed will will '
' So you're saying you want to come over here and rip aussies off to get rich are you boys... is that what you just said.....'
' Oh no Andrew we didn't mean...'
' Shut up i was just pulling your bloody leg '
' Pulling my leg ? '
' Oh for bleeps sake '

I turned and walked off before i lost my cool. The point is, Germans clearly have no sense of humor and if you let them in your country they'll rip off all your countrymen to get rich !

I turkey basted the acros for a change so you can see the pigments better. It's friday afternoon here and i finished work so it's pornoclock by my watch.

Hi Andrew!
Are you still continue no water changes? How long no WC in your tank now?


Хорошего рифа!
porn indeed! :bigeyes:

here is some truth spoken :D
but don´t get me wrong, the hate was under big "." ;)


Nice one Flo lol. :p

Hi Andrew!
Are you still continue no water changes? How long no WC in your tank now?


Хорошего рифа!

Hi mate, i started doing water changes again a month or so back. It's in my journal but good luck finding it......... :)

I always have 100L of RO on standby for emergencies and just grabbed another two 25L drums so i can have 150L - 25% of my system water volume ready for salt mixing in case of emergencies.
I have almost full buckets of both instant ocean salt and AF sea salt when i actually want AF reef salt............... :hammer:
I think i will chuck a bit of both in when i make my water until i use it all up otherwise the instant ocean is $150- wasted.

The only reason i want to dose nothing for a while is so i can have a better chance of actually noticing any subtle pigment changes with the addition of single elements. I took the porn shot below to show you the devastating effects of going chemical cold turkey.......... shocking isn't it...... ;)

This afternoon i decided to make a start on moving the 6L of matrix in the overflow to the sump. A tremendous amount of filth settles in the 3" bed so putting it in there just sitting on the bottom was a stupid idea in my setup - thanks for the bum steer Sahin........ :rolleye1:

The plan was to place a 500ml jug on the bottom and just scoop up hand fulls into the jug until full and tip in the sump with the other 10L of matrix. Sounds easy enough right ? Well it was easy and i removed about three jugs from the right side around the return pump pipe area without incident. Lots of sandy filth and detritus but i expected that.
Move to the other side and this is where things took a decidedly Amityville horror turn....
I placed the jug on the bottom and plunged my hand into the matrix and picked up a writhing mass of bristle worm laden stones that felt like ice.........

I want you to imagine you're walking through a graveyard at night and stumble into a freshly re opened grave hole. You fall in and smash through the rotten lid and land in a pile of smashing bones.
Now place the coffin on a frozen lake bed in Canada that has just cracked through the ice and as the deathly cold water rushes in someone tips a bucket of bristle worms on you.........

That's what it feels like to pick up a handful of matrix with one of these in it people........


I was going to use the torch to illuminate the stone better but it had no batteries so i put it down and went to get some from the drawer. When i turned around i saw this........... the torch is........ L.E.D......

All matrix work has ceased for obvious reasons. :reading:
Get those black stones out of there Andrew! You would think they could sort out the obvious ones at Seachem.

It's a joke right Tim, isn't it. Here's a scary thought. what if they're putting them in on purpose mate.......... i never hear about black siporax so what the hell is going on. :twitch:

The first time i found a black stone i packed it up and sent it off to the CSIRO - gov labs with a note:

Hey science nerds, figure out what this is - here's a hint, think death.........
Don't waste my time unless you figure it out.

I heard nothing back whatsoever which is typical of the government. :rolleye1:
Since i put my return address on the package and since three days after i posted it i came home to find the front door smashed in and the hard drive missing from my lappy i figure someone at the post office is up to no good. You would think they would steal the entire lappy as it would be worth more, who knows what goes through the mind of a klepto postie. :uhoh3:

Today i posted the pictured stone off again to the government with a stern note taped on top. Having no box i used the small poly box Dom used to bring some acros over in. I decided to also send the so called 'cobalt' off as well to double check it wasn't radioactive. I wore rubber gloves the entire time as the cobalt worries me a bit. I didn't want anything broken so i mixed up 2 tubes of putty and pushed the cobalt jar into it halfway so it was securely held. I dropped the stone into the cobalt since it seemed the obvious place to secure it and then used anything i had laying around to pack out them empty space left. I chucked all the innards from the stupid doser, a bunch of wiring mess from a failed LED experiment on the 65gal and even an old smoke detector lol. I basically packed it in an electricians garbage but as long as it works who cares.
I drew a large skull and cross bones on the lid and wrote

Caution gov nerds, cobalt and who knows what in the same jar. Figure it out and don't be surprised it you get a deathly vibe........

p/s/ it ain't cherry soda so don't taste it. :)

I put the smiley face so they didn't take it the wrong way - i'm not an idiot ;)

To circumvent the postie i put the return address on the poly box and put the box in an express post bag with no return address to see !
Since Dom works weekends and has the weekdays off i used his address for the return since you need to be at home to sign for gov stuff and i will be off at work.
Give me a yell when you hear anything back please Dom, i knew you'd be fine with the address thing since you showed me where you live anyway. :thumbsup:
Hahaha I am still laughing my *** of from that story!
Let's wait and see how the gov reacts this time!
Maybe they found out something horrible and will arrest you for terrorism :D
Maybe it's the Black Plague which hid in your tank all this years :D
To circumvent the postie i put the return address on the poly box and put the box in an express post bag with no return address to see !
Since Dom works weekends and has the weekdays off i used his address for the return since you need to be at home to sign for gov stuff and i will be off at work.
Give me a yell when you hear anything back please Dom, i knew you'd be fine with the address thing since you showed me where you live anyway. :thumbsup:
Hmmm that might explain the black "painters" van that's been across the road all week :worried:
And maybe even the funny echoing on phone call like they're being listened too :eek2: Just hopefully I don't get home one day to find quarantine tap all over the front door :hmm3:

Dude.....what's on your feet?:worried:
They're my girlfriends bogan boots :lolspin: I've adopted them as my own though hahaha