I want to know what your BSC is people:
Biggles Sump Coefficient
After the ridiculous carry on when i announced the BFC and in particular the repeated whiny moaning about fish size affecting the BFC result - the BFC is a self correcting equation that makes fish sizes irrelevant. It is the back end calculus working behind the scenes when the BFC is running that makes the BFC the mathematical thing of beauty it is - the subject is closed and accepted scientific fact on this journal :reading:
To calculate your BSC you need only divide your display volume by your sump volume.
My display is 150gal
The sump is 60gal.
150 divided by 60 = 2.5
My BSC is 2.5
The volume of your sump is to be calculated as per normal BUT ! and i am not going to tolerate any stupid ' but my refuge is 20ft tall ' bs......
The water height for the entire sump/refuge/frag tank or whatever under the tank is calculated on the lowest water height of any section of the sump system. If half your sump is 4" deep and the rest is 24" deep you use the 4" number for your sump volume calculation.
If all you did was divide the volume of one by the other you would get inconsistent results for comparison due to some people having huge refuges and frag tanks etc while others have just a glorified bucket under their displays (Dom).
The self correcting backend of the BSC utilizes a slightly modified version of the BFC calculus, trying to explain string maths to you guys would be like trying to explain reverse gravity to Reefvet - waste of time. :twitch:
The lowest water level section in my new sump is 10" with all other sections much higher - the sump water is 10" all over for entry into the BSC.
The lower the number, the better your BSC - if you don't already know that basic marine keeping parameter and why the lower the better it is for your systems health then you need to go over to the softie forum - and stay there.
Science is only now catching up to my groundbreaking fish poo/pee analysis that resulted in the BFC - obviously stole the idea from someone...... someone named biggles........:mad2:
It's a joke Marty, that's what i think of that article !
After loading the sump onto the acro ute i went to pay Dave...... this will be interesting.... ask Dom if you doubt this sort of thing happens to me regularly at Deer Park.
Round One:
I wanted a box set of component strong from Dave when i picked up my new reef play toy.
It had a $50- price sticker on the box so i said 'i want to pay for the bucket of AF reef salt i grabbed with all that AF stuff and a give me box of comp strong please mate, it's fifty bucks'.
Dave scans the box and says forty five bucks............. oh here we go it's not going to be a simple transaction. :fun4:
'It's $50- Dave' as i hand him 2 x $20's and a $10 - the multiple notes confuse him momentarily but he recovered and struck back.
'Nope this is enough' - throwing the $10 back across the counter at me.
He's now got me down to paying only $40- for the $50- box set and i thought if i keep going i'm going to be lucky to pay anything so i decided to cut and run.
I threw a $5- note across the counter and Dave who was looking at the cash register just snatched it without looking and put it in the till.......
Round Two:
'What about the bucket of salt ?'
As Dave walks away from the till i got a bad feeling that he was going for the kill move on this one. 'Nah that was a free sample bucket from the rep, just take it instead of the sea salt'
'It wasn't %$#@%$ free Dave and i've used most of the sea salt it's fine'
Dave says ' it's fine just use it '
'I won't just use it i want to pay you for it mate'
Dave is now walking away into the fish room with his hands up saying ' it was free, truly just take it '
I had to give this one to Dave, it's hard to pay him when he's hiding in another room - i find this walking off maneuver to border on cheating in our transaction duels but it's Dave's shop so Dave's rules.
When i find the right time on one of my next visits i will get Dave's mom Deb to quietly look up the price and give her the cash after explaining what happened just because Dave felt bad about the wrong salt thing. Won't be the first time i've told Deb about Dave's lies and managed to pay more. :smokin:
Sometimes Dave just thinks he wins............
Round Three:
'Well look after yourself until next visit' says Dave smiling.
When Dave dismisses you it's hardball - uh oh, i thought he would be happy with the ghost victory i let him have. He's gotten cocky and thinks he's on a roll obviously........
'What about the bloody sump Dave ?'
'I haven't got the acrylic yet so i can't work out the price yet, we'll work it out so don't stress'
DON"T STRESS !!!! - it's not just me is it, like he's telling me not to stress about not being allowed to pay him money........ it's all wrong isn't it ?????
'I'm not bloody stressed i just want to know how much it will be at least, just roughly'
'Oh i couldn't say, won't be much though'
'It'll be at least $500- with all that acrylic work and ten mil glass and don't bloody argue Dave, i'm going see ya next week mate' - and
I walked off on him towards the front door grinning to myself waving bye to the round three loser..........
Dave was in another room and at least 20 feet away from me as i walked out the front door of the main shop room and i could taste victory - TASTE IT !
The faint words from the fish room wiped the smile off my face as my foot was about to touch the outside cement path.......
'More like three hundred, maybe three fifty tops........see ya'
As i drove home it was quiet in the acro ute, i didn't feel like listening to music.......... i was pretty deflated at how the entire visit went and think i might have created a monster by letting Dave think he's a winner sometimes.
I looked in the rear view mirror at the min $500- sump and then added the $100- salt and lastly the $50- component strong..... $650-
In the 45 minutes Dave and i played let me pay for something please i managed to hand over $45-
Since old Davey boy needs pulling back into line i have decided to play the cash and dash maneuver i once described to Dom
I will wait until Dave is on the other side of the counter and literally throw the extra $50- notes at him that i deem appropriate when i pay for the sump and run out of the shop into the ute - locking the doors so he can't throw any cash back at me AND drive off !
Dom knows i'll actually do it.........
I'll answer everyone's posts after i have some dinner