A SPS useful nitrate test?


New member
I was wondering what brand of nitrate test you guys find useful for water that is SPS clean. I've only used the cheap kits that are available from the LFS. Drip strips and the Aquarium Pharmaceuticals nitrate test. I can say the AP nitrate test is useless in a SPS tank. The range is suited to FW and FOWLR keepers. 0-20ppm nitrate pretty much read the same.

So does anyone have any suggestion on a low-range nitrate test kit?

and does knowing your nitrate is .5ppm versus 2ppm tell you anything useful?
I dont think it tells you anything useful Covey. I've had nitrate up into the 20s at times, and as long as the PO3 was low, SPS didnt seem to care.
Hach makes a low range nitrate tester if i am not mistaken....get ready to fork the dough over

i use salifert nitrate...the colors are hard for me to discern in the low range(pretty much always looks like 0)...it works ok but it isnt what you are looking for(im sure you probably already know this htough)

sorry if this doesnt help...but go search google for HACH and nitrate testing..you will find something