A take on BB methodology.

joefish said:
Thats why the water changes are important !:p

Swish and dunk and water change ! and repeat as needed !:lol:

The purpose is to let the Bacterea do the work and not any type of algaes . This is why the darkness is important .

I was referring to the comment that letting the rocks dry out would somehow get rid of the nutrients.

I'm in the process of cooking some valonia infested rock right now! I went BB about a year ago. Unfortunately, I used uncooked Fiji under my well cured (I hadn't heard about cooking rock yet) Caribbean rock. I've been travelling a lot lately, maintenance went down, feeding by my wife and kids went up. I came home from a trip and noticed that the pretty green bubbles were every where.
Yeah, mine's back after almost a year. :(
I cooked my rock for 2 months last summer until every bit of bubble was gone and no more detritus fell out of the rock.

Well, I've got the Valonia again...just going to have to get used to making its harvesting part of the regular water change routine...could be worse I guess ;).
G-money said:
Yeah, mine's back after almost a year. :(
I cooked my rock for 2 months last summer until every bit of bubble was gone and no more detritus fell out of the rock.

Well, I've got the Valonia again...just going to have to get used to making its harvesting part of the regular water change routine...could be worse I guess ;).

I'm cooking my Valonia infested rock in 65F NSW. I just have it blasting the rock straight from the main SW line here at work. If that doesn't kill it, I don't know what will. LOL
I picked most of the valonia off the rocks and I'm using a skimmer in the tub of rocks. Valonia really is a pia.
brentp said:
I was referring to the comment that letting the rocks dry out would somehow get rid of the nutrients.

I couldn't follow what was going on .

That's what I get from drinking to many Margaritas last night .:lol:

Do you have room for a Fox Face ? The one I had helped me .
Yeah, I have emeralds and a lack of bubble algae now.

I see a bubble every few months, but both my coralline and bubble algae on the rocks has been mostly AWOL.

I cleaned that rock well, by hand, a couple times. That and a force of emerald crabs have really worked well for me - one LFS around here gets `the good ones' that have always seemed to help. The other LFS has little menacing crabs that seem like a waste of money - look close but I never have good luck with their inverts.

I've been tempted to rid myself of them - and then remember bubble algae or listen to you guys and guess I'd rather have crabs that hide than bubbles that don't.
I have gotten some emerald crabs online that have done a good job with Valonia and some other nuisance algae that the snails and fish wouldn't touch.
I've also had mixed results with emeralds. Most of the time they eat coralline and crawl all over the corals...may end up trying them again, though.

One thing I can't understand for the life of me is why people say "ooh...whatever you do, don't pop them". Uh, isn't that exactly what an emerald does when it eats them? :lol: Or should I be lead to believe that emeralds have a double secret technique for harvesting the spores?

Even though I run UV, it doesn't seem to matter (i.e.- kill the spores). Although, I just cleaned the sheath on my UV and it was totally caked in calcium. Hmm....the bubble only started popping up in the last month or two (to coincide with the period of highest tank neglect ;)). Maybe I'll just pop away and see what happens....I really do hate that stuff. Non-reefers seem to like it!
Diverrad ... I'll see what I can dig up, but the few pics I have are either blurry or dark or mostly obstructed. Except for their claws around feeding time - I don't see that many. Maybe something on them is differentiable from other crabs - I dunno.

Just go to the store on University, they've got them :p
The only algea that growsin my tank is halemedia. I have no trouble with bubble and have only one emerald crab. I have a 125 gallon in wall tank stuffed full of acros.

My tanks has a deep sand bed. I think barebottom may be hitting the bottom of the methodolgy!!!

My tank is skimmed with 2 euro reef cs8-2. Excellent skimmer.
Of course i have a chiller and 3 250 de halide lights.
Your point is?

Funny, you need two skimmers for one tank. Why is that?

For making the claims you do about how much better your tank is than ours, it's suprising you don't have pics in your gallery.
My tank is prettier than most of the pictures i have seen on this frorum and i don't understand why so many are willing to go barebottom and brag when the tank looks just OK.

My tank has pastel colored corals. They are beatiful...

I will post pictures as soon as i figure out how to down load them to reef central. I use a mac computer.
I use a mac as well just go to your gallery, go to upload pictures , hit brouse , choose the file of your mac , and hit sent , done easy make sure your files are less than 125k , much simpler than getting pastel colors in your tank
Just because you're jealous of our tank's doesn't mean you have to slam BB. You don't hear anyone here saying they think tank's with sand look like crap, but we do.