Blink and you're dead.
So I went to Petco to pick up some bird toys, and I snapped of few pictures of their aquatics section.
A dying tiny Pacific Blue Tang
An Orange Butterflyfish with ich, fin rot, discoloration, and missing scales
In the video
A malnourished, pacing Yellow Tang with ich, head and lateral line erosion, and signs of fin rot, some of which do not seem to be visible in the picture
Pajama Cardinals showing discoloration and signs of malnourishment
Starving Snowflake Clown lying on the bottom, you can see how skinny he is
Too many Ocellaris Clowns in one tank resulting in aggression and injuries
This is in the video
Valentini Puffer with fin rot and ich, which is very slightly visible in the picture
Bleached and dead coral frags
Even the damsels have ich! Almost all have missing scales and/or injuries from conflict with other damsels
A dead Tiger Barb that is missing a face and scales, the other fish were eating the dead barb, which may indicate they are very hungry or starving
Unknown fish carcasses that have obviously been stuck to the filter intake for a long time
Hundreds of poorly kept Goldfish and Minnows, suffering from many many diseases in extremely crammed conditions, being sold as 'feeder fish' which I have a few of except they are kept in an approximately 600-700 gallon pond, as pets, not living food. There is an extreme difference between the 'feeder fish' in the pet store and when I brought them home (they were riddled with disease and very shy), and how they act now (they beg for food and let me pet them)
I don't want to know what this means
A few videos
Klein's/Orange Butterflyfish
Clownfish, cardinals, dead coral, dartfish, assessor, too many Ocellaris Clowns in one tank, damsels
Yellow Tang
Dead corals and a bit of Yellow Tang
This petco also had tons of Bettas dying in cramped poop cups, Coral Beauty Angels which all had ich, Scooter Blennies which were starving, and Feather Worms that were losing their crowns and probably starving, they do shed their crown every so often, but knowing the situation of the other fish in the store, they probably weren't shedding because of natural causes.
If anyone else has bad petco/smart experiences feel free to share.
A dying tiny Pacific Blue Tang

An Orange Butterflyfish with ich, fin rot, discoloration, and missing scales
In the video
A malnourished, pacing Yellow Tang with ich, head and lateral line erosion, and signs of fin rot, some of which do not seem to be visible in the picture

Pajama Cardinals showing discoloration and signs of malnourishment

Starving Snowflake Clown lying on the bottom, you can see how skinny he is

Too many Ocellaris Clowns in one tank resulting in aggression and injuries
This is in the video
Valentini Puffer with fin rot and ich, which is very slightly visible in the picture

Bleached and dead coral frags

Even the damsels have ich! Almost all have missing scales and/or injuries from conflict with other damsels

A dead Tiger Barb that is missing a face and scales, the other fish were eating the dead barb, which may indicate they are very hungry or starving

Unknown fish carcasses that have obviously been stuck to the filter intake for a long time

Hundreds of poorly kept Goldfish and Minnows, suffering from many many diseases in extremely crammed conditions, being sold as 'feeder fish' which I have a few of except they are kept in an approximately 600-700 gallon pond, as pets, not living food. There is an extreme difference between the 'feeder fish' in the pet store and when I brought them home (they were riddled with disease and very shy), and how they act now (they beg for food and let me pet them)

I don't want to know what this means
A few videos
Klein's/Orange Butterflyfish
Clownfish, cardinals, dead coral, dartfish, assessor, too many Ocellaris Clowns in one tank, damsels
Yellow Tang
Dead corals and a bit of Yellow Tang
This petco also had tons of Bettas dying in cramped poop cups, Coral Beauty Angels which all had ich, Scooter Blennies which were starving, and Feather Worms that were losing their crowns and probably starving, they do shed their crown every so often, but knowing the situation of the other fish in the store, they probably weren't shedding because of natural causes.
If anyone else has bad petco/smart experiences feel free to share.
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