From their emailer: (mods if any violation please let me know, I edited out their specific in store specials)
If anyone wants the full info PM me
A few weeks out and gaining momentum. If you want to set up a tank and sell some home grown livestock PLEASE call and sign up for a spot ASAP. We are expecting a big turn out and want to make sure everyone has enough space. There will be CRAZY deals, FREE food, and SPECIAL guests so stay tuned for those announcements as well.
If you happen to love certain fish that always end up being a pain to get to eat, like I do, then the following may help. We brought in PODS and SALTWATER FEEDER SHRIMP this week. Pods are great at repopulating your systems especially if you happen to have a hungry Mandarin or seahorse hunting around.
Get those special requests in as the wholesalers have promised us access to some amazing stuff this week. Enjoy and I hope to see everyone soon.