? about yardright for fish tank use

I'm not sure about the use of that sand, but I believe that some playsand companies were putting the "not for aquarium use" on their products due to people buying the cheaper playsand over sand sold specifically for aquariums (which is generally quite a bit more expensive).
I have read from many sources that this is strictly for legal purposes.

(i.e. if you use their sand and your tank crashes that you can't sue them for your crashing tank)

Could be wrong or right, thats just what I have been told (read)
Have you emailed them and asked? They have a little contact button on the bottom of their page. :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6574273#post6574273 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Fat Man
Have you emailed them and asked? They have a little contact button on the bottom of their page. :)

I have used that button at least 10 times trying to find the nearest distributor to me, they never respond .