Acro crabs can live away from their host


Active member
While I was reaquascaping I found 6 or so acro crabs living in the rockwork away from the acros. Maybe daytime shelter? But one was way away from an acro .Closest coral was a cap ......Hmmm

I have also seen a good handful of small babies recently also . Maybe they are breeding ?I hope so :D I already have 20 or so as is .

Just thought I would share.
I am trying to keep tabs on them so I can find that out if so I will be very happy . I think its possible . Especially if their food source is trully with the acro . Which I have no shortage of ;)
Gloves? What are those :lol: j/k yeah I should but its so darn hard to move things around and stack with them .

I am also aware of the dangers . But then I could walk out my door tomorrow and die . I would rather die from something I love "my tanks and the inhabitants"
If you can breed them, you may not be beating wood for long ;) I'll take 50!
:lol:Kent E that would be the day .

Kirsten .thats cool . I was really shocked because the lil guy was almost a foot away from the cloest acro . But the can move pretty quick so it would't take long to get to one though.

One of the really small ones has taken up residents around the base of my benette tort .
I believe it to be true . I can say I have one pair of breeding acro crabs . I am trying to get a picture now but the female has the eggs and is moving them with water motion from her claws.

Pics as soon as I get a good one :D
Okay here are 2 pictures......I will post a large hq pic in the photography forum later.


Wow. I always thought these crabs will damage my SPS, so one time I removed one off of my acro and threw him in my sump.

I can see 3 of them on one of my acros. I guess if it's a good thing, I"ll leave them there.