Acro crabs?


New member
I am planning to QT my acro's for a redbug treatment and will remove my acro crabs beforehand. How long can the acro crabs live outside of an acro?

I dont think you should remove the acro crab,because i head they feed off of somthing on the acro,so it wouldnt be to smart to remove the crab,but i dont really know.
Keep a tank with no light or lots of nooks and craniees. I have found acro crabs a long ways away from colonies also bright light will kill them keep them shaded or in the dark.
Acro crabs can survive without the acro, provided they have something to hide on, like clkwrk mentioned -- LR to hide in and shade away from strong light, that's a good point. I've tried it and it works. Feed them a little with some ZooPlankton, Cyclopeeze etc.

Enjoy your Acro