New member
Been in the hobby for about 12 years and have kept SPS and etc before. About 5 months ago a overdosed ALK in my tank and whipped out a lot of my coral, mainly my sps. I had some colonys that where at least 8-10 years old. I have got my levels back in order (did within a few weeks after it happened) but now any acro I throw in dies. I have LPS like chalices and acans doing great. Have a birdnest, monti and stylo doing good.... every acro I put in slowly dies and I am not sure what I am missing. I have tried at least 6-8 frags of different acros that all slowly STN. Current one has seemed to lose flesh from the top and bottom working its way toward the middle. have checked for pest... nothing I can see. Have watched for someone nipping and have not seen, calc has stayed at 450 and alk around 8.2, mag in the 1400 range, nitrate and phosphate 0, ammonia 0. I feed frozen RODS or Larrys food daily and a few times a week dose acropower so they should have nutrients. I run Reefbreeder LEDS and never have the blue channel over 55% and white channel never over 15% (run blues higher, white is to white looking for me). I also have a retro T5 kit I run for only 2 hours a day around mid day. What should i try different???