The Fifth Master
Hello and welcome to Acronics Statement of the Art
First and foremost, I would like to thank you for visiting my tank thread! I would also like to thank all here on RC and in the hobby for your contributions that have progressed this wonderful hobby to the heights it is today
Thank you

The Vision
A clean, usable and simple bonzai inspired aquarium. Capable of handling a very high bio-load of small reef fish while maintaining quality water for delicate corals. Mainly, but not limited to, Acropora, Gorgonia and whatever else catches my eye really

The System
- 154 gallon 54.5x30.5x22.5in StarFire, demi-eurobrace, external bean animal CC overflow, PVC bottom aquarium built by Rubin at Planet Aquarium.
- 40 gallon Breeder no frills sump
- 75 gallon divided QT. Half for fish, a quarter for corals and a quarter for peppermint shrimp to eat AEFW, MEN, vermetilid snails ect. off of the corals. (more on this later as I know people will be asking)
- Evergrow A4 LED x 2, Ecotech Radion Pro and Reefbrite XHO blue x 2
- SRO xp3000 cone Skimmer. I have used his skimmer since 2011 and have zero complaints. I will use this skimmer unless the bio-load gets too high for it, in which case I would switch to a My Reef Creation skimmer.
- Ecotech MP40wes x 2, (Tunze 6105 x 2 - gonna see how the MP's handle the foot print / aquascape first)
- Waveline DC10000 return pump split for reactors.
- Fauna Marin Balling Lite method on GHL stand-alone 4 pump doser, plus a 4 pump doser drone. Still undecided if I want to run the full system or a hybrid with bio pellets instead of the Ultra Bak. A better reactor with more control would be in order (suggestions welcome).
- 400w heaters x2 since I live in an igloo in Canada

- Digital Aquatics RKL3 monitor system (because I have it and it works)
Thanks to all who have patiently waited for me to light a fire under my wrasse and get this new build underway. Bear with me as I am a new father to a beautiful 4.5 month old baby girl that has a way of consuming my free time

Whats a thread without pics?
Its FINALLY here!!!!! :bounce1: :celeb3: ignore all the tape glue on the tank... heh

And a look at one of the inhabitants destine for a dream reef