It won't really grow out of the water.. It'll start to sort of plate out at the surface. Not particularly attractive but not really a problem.
If you clip it off, a few inches below the surface, it'll probably branch out but will still hit the surface again.
I have found that if you lower the water level in your dt periodically, the corals sense this and stop growing up and start growing out. If the level is static, the coral has no idea that it's about to reach the surface of the water..
When it gets exposed to air, I'm sure there is a trigger for the coral telling it that growing up is no longer an option.
Ive seen green slimmers grow 1/2" out of the water with about 15-20 branches doing this... looks cool.
Capricornis tend to make more dencely spaced plates resaulting in a very petally looking colony... imo at there very best.
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