Add another fire fish

wen tom

New member
I have a fire fish, wanted another. Read they do well in pairs but is that the case if one is already established? Thanks
I'm in the same boat. Had a pair, and then one died under mysterious circumstances. I think he/she was murdered by an angel who has since been banished from my little slice of heaven. I would like to replace the deceased, so my firefish can move on with his/her life. Do you see the problem? My problem is I don't know if I was left with a widow or widower. And I don't think my firefish is into having an alternative lifestyle. :D
It's hit or miss on them pairing up. My 2 Purple Firefish would not get along. So after 3 months of them quarreling, I had to catch one and sell him off. Now I only have 1 firefish in my tank. Oh well...
When one of the pair of fire fish I had died, I asked my LFS about it. They said I could bring my one remaining fish in and they would give me an established pair (only having to pay for one). See if you can do that. It was tough getting the fire fish out of the tank. In the end I actually siphoned him out when he went into his bolt hole. He did great considering. Then I got a brand new pair. I can't remember if they matched him up or just gave me a new pair.
When one of the pair of fire fish I had died, I asked my LFS about it. They said I could bring my one remaining fish in and they would give me an established pair (only having to pay for one). See if you can do that.

Too late for that. Wife has already named it. Once it's named, it becomes part of the family. I could put it in my frag tank, where my CB Shrimp got banished to. Wife won't let me get rid of that either. I wonder if she'd feel differently about the shrimp if she saw him trying to ambush "Nightmare" the firefish. :hmm2:
IME it depends on tank size. I had 2 Helfrichi's in a 20L because my 90 was doing the fallowing thing. In the 20, the larger FF would harass the smaller one. Once being moved back to the 90, they are both out pretty much anytime the lights are on with no notice or aggression of the other, but certainly not what I would call a mated relationship.
thing 1 and thing 2 here. The lady also calls them tick ticks because they flick their little fin on the top. These two are really social as well. They stick around with my hand in the tank and get super close to all the action in the tank.
Mine is a little scaredy fish. When it was just her and the clowns after a few weeks she began swimming around the tank a little. But if anything happened, she would fly back into the hole she dug in the sand under the rock. Now that the Tang is in the tank swimming around, she isn't out much anymore. :(

He has never bullied her but every time he gets near her she darts back under the rock.
This is asked alot on the Check your fish purchase thread in the new to hobby section. Steve(Snorvich) recommends a mated pair or one will kill the other. It is very hard to sex them due to not really an differences in appearance.
Mine is a little scaredy fish. When it was just her and the clowns after a few weeks she began swimming around the tank a little. But if anything happened, she would fly back into the hole she dug in the sand under the rock. Now that the Tang is in the tank swimming around, she isn't out much anymore. :(

He has never bullied her but every time he gets near her she darts back under the rock.

My previous firefish was exactly like this. It would only come out for food. The lady would always ask me if I had actual fish in the tank :facepalm: when they are all just hiding!
Too late for that. Wife has already named it. Once it's named, it becomes part of the family. I could put it in my frag tank, where my CB Shrimp got banished to. Wife won't let me get rid of that either. I wonder if she'd feel differently about the shrimp if she saw him trying to ambush "Nightmare" the firefish. :hmm2:

Would she really notice? Just tell her you got a new one, when you really got two.
Would she really notice? Just tell her you got a new one, when you really got two.

We have 121 cows in the field that are pretty much all black and are the same looking. My mother can identify all of them individually. It would be safe to say, his wife probably could identify that 1 fire fish easily if she named it lol.
It's a territorial thing, not a food thing. Same with chromis, which are just a damsel.
I was under the impression that fire fish live in schools and it is recommended to have 3 or more at all times and keep an odd number in general
What works in the ocean can often be different than a small glass box. They don't live in schools, but rather loose aggregations on the reef. They need their space and private bolt holes, something that just doesn't happen in the average tank.
What works in the ocean can often be different than a small glass box. They don't live in schools, but rather loose aggregations on the reef. They need their space and private bolt holes, something that just doesn't happen in the average tank.

Makes sense. Still new to the hobby so I am trying to learn something every chance I get