Add more fish advise


New member
I have 1 yellow tang, 1 kole tang, 1 purple tang, 1 blue tang, 1 six line, 1 color wrass, 2 bleny in my 180 G mix reef. Can I add 2 more yellow tang in the tank or what type of the fish i can add ? Please advise any type of fish as long as its look prety and colorfull.
I wouldn't add any more tangs to the tank. They get large and can be aggressive towards each other without enough room. Personally, I probably wouldn't add any more fish, not that grow large, anyway. Does the tank have a refugium?
I would stay away from the Tangs, and go with a Maroon Clown, Pajama Cardinals, Spotted Mandarines, are nice too. JD
Hey check this website out and let me know what you think ??? You just choose your tank size and then what kind of fish that you want in their it shows you by color what fish will work with what fish, try it out it's pretty cool...

here you go