Add Reef Fish ?


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Hello all my 57 Rimless is stocked now with
Ocellaris Clown
Flameback Angel
Lyretail Anthias
Tail Spot Blenny
Orchid Dottyback Pseudochromis fridmani
Six Line Wrasse

I want to add another 1 or 2 fish But what I want May not be compatible
What are your thoughts
Wish list
Flame Angel
Evansi Anthias
ORA Naked Clown
Copperband Butterfly
maybe another wrasse
The sixline won't tolerate another wrasse.

The copperband butterfly and the flame angel get too big for a 57, imo. And the flame and flameback angels wouldn't coexist in a 57 either.

I'm not sure about the lyretail and evan's anthias in a 57.

The clown will be fine, if the first one is okay with it.

Firefish will be fine with that list, but ideally it would have been added before the wrasse and dotty. If you use an acclimation box, it might work.