adding first fish what do you think?

sm fragman

New member
i am going to add my first 2 fish to my tank ,i have my snails and what not in today ,,get second round of inverts after a few months ,,i am adding 1 bangi and 1 six line ,,,my ? is would you go to 1.5 hours to lfs or get online wiht the 14 day garnety,,i have alway had good luck on line ,,just thought i would ask opionons ,,while i have you all here i have the 95 3=2=2 sps tank next to go in are anthias should i get 2 bartletts or 2 lyretail?these wont go in for a couple of months till levels come down to about 0

thanks shawn
Are you adding fish with nitrite or ammonia above 0? I usually like to see what I buy, but the LFS doesn't always have what I want. Be prepared to feed those anthias - they need it quite a bit. Too much for my tank....
nitrites are coming down not that high right now they are about 18 or 20 about 5 days ago when i tested it ,,the lfs i go to always has alot to choos from and there are 2 of them so i know they will have what i want ,,getting ready to do a 15 gallon water change in the next day the nit will come down ,,,
Make sure you give your system time to stabalize, I know how hard it is to wait, but it is worth it in the end.
yep i know i am taking it slow this time arround the block ,,i more then likely wont get the first 2 fish in the tank for a nother 2 weeks