I have been on here for well over a year, and people never cease to amaze me....If you are sick of stupid questions, and people not researching or doing things properly.....please don't reply to the thread...all it does is fuel the fire...
If I had been Mario, I would've gotten to the first or possibly second reply, and shut my computer off....I would've been hurt, and upset..
However, if some of the latter posts were first...I would've felt like a complete idiot for putting ALL those fish in such a small tank, and try to figure out what to with them before they died...
You guys all say take 'em back to the LFS, mine won't take fish back.....refused....so now I don't go there anymore, and have a fish that was sold to me under the assumption that it was a docile animal, and not a fish killer....
If it bothers you too much to read how people are screwing up, then don't take the few minutes to help them out, nor post a bunch of BS about why they are doing thing's wrong....it doesn't help anyone, and that person may go on killing fish because his first greeting here was how STUPID he/she is/was....
Some people are unbelieveable!