Adding fish


New member
Hi, I've had my 14 gallon biocube up for about 2 years with my clownfish wich I've had for about 4 years . I always wished that I had put two in together but I decided not to. Now I'm wanting to know is it ok to introduce a much smaller clownfish to go with the other? I understand the male/female issues with clownfish but don't want to add another one just to have it killed by my older mature clownfish.any info would be helpful thank you in advance!
There is no need for the original clown to have another.
At 14g, I think your pushing it.
But if you were to go ahead, Same species, same colours, sexually immature about 3/4" would give you the best chances. Sometimes the newbie is accepted, sometimes not, always a gamble, but the above three things increase the chances of a good outcome.
I am not too sure if his tank is "too small". Clowns like to stick to one specific area in the tank and make it their home. In my observation, my 2 Clowns spend 90% of their time in an area about the size of my 2 hands on the left-side backwall mostly around some rocks.

IF you do get another clown, see if your LFS would take him back. You will know very quick (1-2 days) whether the new fish is "accepted". If the established clown acts very aggressive even after the first day, there is a good chance it won't work out.