Advice needed, starting populating a 300g tank with a clownfish harem


New member
hi everyone,

i have a 300g that planned to be fish only for lots of rock and a huge sump and refuge.

i want to populate 20-30 clownfish harem as a start, the rest will be mostly angels and tangs.

i understand the best way is to put them together and from the specie? like only true perc. is that true?

also my lfs has mostly wild caught and offered me a good price on them.
are they better than captive bred? who has the best chance to live peacefully in a harem?

thanks in advance for any advice!
Do you think 20 or 30 will be enough? The bulkreefsupply harem used 30 in their 120 gallon. I would worry that they would manage to pair up and fight.

Preferably, having them all from the same clutch would be best. Better than wild caught.
i didnt understand, are you saying that its better to have more so they wont pairup?
if the wild ones are not good ill order a big batch from a captive bred farm shouldnt be much problem
Right, the more there are, the less of the chance that they will pair up and become territorial and aggressive. And the more distributed any fighting will be.
I had a friend that did this, once they started pairing it went south. He also had a 300DD and plenty of anemonies