I can give you an example. In my 40 gal breeder I add 3tsp. (15ml) every other day. I have a heavy load of corals as well as three clams. I have a 4" squamosa, a 5" crocea, and a 2.5 inch maxima. I also take the maxima out once a week to feed it. I submerge a specimen container, place the clam in and hang on the inside of the tank (to avoid temp change). Then I add the phyto. Just enough to change the water to a light green and leave it there till the water is almost clear (about an hour). A little bit of a pain, thats why i said to get a 4" clam. I have had great success keeping clams (mostly squamosa) with this method. BTW, I placed my little maxima on an empty shell and not directly on my rockwork so I would be able to move him. I also did not buy the maxima. I recieved two of them (about the same size) from my brother when he decided they were too much work. I have since traded one of them away and am keeping the other one. I also buy my D.T.'s from justphish.com he also has a nice selection of clams on that site though I have not purchased any clams from him yet.