Advice please - Tang Aggression


New member
Hi all

I have a 250g tank with plenty of rock and hiding spots. My powder blue tang has been in since the beginning. I recently introduced a brown tang similar size the the PBT and since the PBT won't let up attacking the new arrival. I have put a mirror against the glass which distracts the PBT tank until it sees the brown tang and then starts again at it. I have now way of catching the powder.

Is it likely this aggression will subside or should I be returning the brown tang to my LFS?

As always any advice would be most welcomed.

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You might try an eggcrate situation-shaped barrier at least to make attacks less convenient, or pull the powder blue to cool off in qt for 3-4 days, MOVE A FEW ROCKS to confuse claims, and then put him back in.
Okay so mirror was left against glass for 24 hrs and tang stayed attacking itself 90% of the time. It appears less interested now and the brown tang even appears to be eating now. Mirror definitely has helped and so surprised the level of aggression first seen has actually dissipated.

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