Advise for dino treatment in sps tank

I did three days lights out and dosed microbacter7. Is also watch your alkalinity and nitrates. When mine died off my nitrates shot to over 100 and that killed any growth I had so I then had an out Spike and lost about a third of my Sps.
The tank is near enough empty just a few frags in the frag tank. Its not in thedt as that has had no light for a long time now. But is in frag tank so when i turn dt lights back on im syre it will come back there also. I could seperate them and leave lights off in dt then move coral to it and turn lights off in frag tank till they die off in there... But how do you stop them coming in on the corals when you move them over and my frag tank is in the garage so just gets a fair amount of natural light anywY
Also no fish at the moment in the tank so if that frees up stronger (hopefully more likely to work) options im all for it.
You have to black out the tank completely for 3 days. If they're tied together then they are everywhere.
Has any one here tried or had success with using bleach to kill dino? There are no fish in the tank currently (removed for velvet)
That looks like common hair algae with cyano covering some of it.....the hair algae snatches detritus and the cyano takes advantage of that.

I'd scrape/siphon all that up and then get an army of snails in there at the very least.
That looks like common hair algae with cyano covering some of it.....the hair algae snatches detritus and the cyano takes advantage of that.

I'd scrape/siphon all that up and then get an army of snails in there at the very least.
Agreed. :)
Hmm. Some times it gets really long snotty strands that blow off with ease but come back when lights up but go when lights are off. I will get another picture this evening. About 3 weeks ago i completely scraped and siphoned the whole frag tank.
It might be dinos. If you use clean up crew to eat the hair algae they poop the nutrients back into the water column where your skimmer and filter pads can get it out. That in and of itself can solve algae/cyano/Dino issues.
I have quite a few snails in there.. Dont seem to do much to the hair algae... Or anything... But they havnt died so the dino\cyano must not be toxic.
This is the stuff that showed up in my tank right before i lost pretty much everything in my crash. .. I dont know if it is responsible for the crash but it did show up a little before it happened.
Oh and since i had my lights off in the display tank for quite a while now my nutrients have gone way up from what they were (probably why the hair algea is popping up in frag tank) im guessing this is due to all the algea die off etc in display with no light. Have no fish in thetank now so not feeding anything so expect nutrients will come down on their own in a little while. Frag tank just has a few acro (about 14) frags, couple pieces of monti i saved from the crash, some stylo, birdsnest, some cyphastrea, turbinara and some zooanthid rocks. All seem to be doing fairly well despite the snotty goo and elevated nutrients than i normally run.
I've gotten that slimy type green algae and cyano when my P04 was substantially higher than N03. The snails wouldn't eat the slimy green algae. That may be what you have going on.

Try to have a mix of snails if you don't already, some Mexican turbos, astreas and the black footed trochus always are a good mix for me.

The slimy type algae should burn itself off over time once you get a balance established again. You went through a bacterial upheavel and that's when that algae can take root.
I have black footed trochus, astrea, cerith but no mexican turbos.. For me they just bulldoze frags.
My last test was no3 likabove 10 and po4 at about 0.1! I usually run. No3 less than 2 and po4 0.03 ish... The snotty stuff appeared first when i had these low numbers (possibly got a little lower which maybe started the problem) and then i had my tank crash
From this

To the snot starting

To eventually and sadly this

Snotty stuff did go away for a while as you can see in last pic. But now display is lights off and its back in frag tank.

When you say " bacteria upheaval" what do you mean?